OpManager: VIWMI - VM Memory utilization monitor has now been removed from the "HyperV-VM" template for EXE customers.
OpManager: If a HyperV VM has multiple NICs, each with different IPs, then OpManager will now try to discover VMs using all these IPs.
OpManager: Previously, during VMware discovery/rediscovery, there were issues causing high resource consumption in the vCenter environment due to multiple container views created. This has been optimized and fixed now.
OpManager:以前映射到重复供应商名称的设备模板和监视器现在已经统一。映射到 Fortinet Inc. 和 Fortigate 供应商名称的模板和监视器现在统一为“Fortinet”。同样,Arista 为“Arista Networks”,F5 Networks Inc. 为“F5 Networks”,CyberPower System 为“CyberPower”。
OpManager:修复了仪表板小窗件(监视器摘要小窗件、虚拟化小窗件、AD/MSSQL/Services/Processes/Windows Services by Availability、Services by Downtime、Last Polled Value of a Performance Monitor)中的XSS漏洞问题。
OpManager:OpManager现在可以与您的Jira工作区无缝集成,以将您的网络告警作为Jira Service Desk(内部部署)中的问题提出,并有效地管理它们。用户可以从设置→“第三方集成”中配置 Jira 集成,之后 Jira Service Desk(内部部署)将作为“记录工单”通知配置文件下的一个选项提供。