To modify existing single sign-on settings

  1. Log in to the ADAudit Plus web console.
  2. Navigate to Admin → Administration → Logon Settings.
  3. Click on the domain that you wish to modify the settings for.
  4. To enable NTLM-based single sign-on

  5. In the Modify computer account window that pops-up, enter the Computer Name and Password in the respective fields.
  6. If the computer is not already in the domain, check the box next to Create this computer account in the domain to create a computer with the provided credentials.
  7. Under Advanced, if the DNS Servers and DNS Site are not filled automatically after entering the computer name and password, enter them manually.
  8. Click Save.
  • To find the IP address of the DNS server: Open Command Prompt from a machine belonging to the domain that you have selected, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. The first IP address displayed under DNS Server is the IP address of the DNS server.
  • To identify the DNS site: Open Active Directory Sites and Services on the left tree, expand Sites, and identify the site on which the Domain Controller configured under the selected domain appears. This is the DNS site.

To enable NTLM-based single sign-on


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