Oracle Database Monitoring: Oracle Tablespace Monitoring & Management

Oracle Table space management made easy

ManageEngine Applications Manager provides indepth Oracle Tablespace monitoring in addition to overall Oracle Performance Monitoring. Oracle tablespaces are the logical database structures that hold data for an Oracle Database. Each tablespace points to data files where the data is physically stored. An Oracle table space can consist of indices, tables, and other database objects. It is hence important for the database administrator to perform tablespace monitoring.

Monitor tablespace Usage and Growth: This effectively means tracking how the data grows in the Oracle database and ensuring proper provisioning at the right time. The Oracle DBA needs to monitor whether the tablespace is full and whether they need to take action to increase the capacity. There are various ways to increase capacity like add a datafile (after monitoring datafiles) to a tablespace, add a new tablespace or even by increasing the size of existing datafiles in a tablespace. Using the ManageEngine Applications Manager Oracle tablespace monitoring capability, a DBA can monitor tablespace growth in real time and can setup alarms if thresholds are violated.

Oracle Tablespace Management

Oracle Tablespace Monitoring Metrics:

Some of the metrics for Oracle tablespace management are as follows.

  • Tablespace Status (ONLINE etc)
  • Allocated Bytes
  • Allocated Blocks
  • % Free Bytes
  • Free Blocks
  • Read Per Minute
  • Write Per Minute
  • Tablespace Read Time
  • Tablespace Write Time
  • Number of datafiles and more.

Trend Analysis of tablespace Usage: : Applications Manager tablespace monitoring also helps with Reporting on tablespace growth and can help a DBA in capacity planning. By enabling reporting for tablespaces, an Oracle database administrator

Oracle Tablespace Monitoring

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