
  • 您想知道Java Runtime环境的运行状况吗?
  • 您想监控线程死锁、异常内存、CPU消耗和Java应用程序吗?


利用ManageEngine Applications Manager Java Runtime 监控功能,可以监控Java平台及运行的应用程序。你可以监控JVM的性能线程。Applications Manager支持 Sun JVM, IBM JVM以及Oracle JRockit JVM

你可以对各种属性配置阈值,当阈值被超越时,系统自动邮件、短信、SNMP Trap告警通知,或执行自定义脚本或MBean操作。除了可用性和响应时间外,Java Runtime还可以监控以下指标:


Permanent Generation (非堆内存)保存虚拟机本身的所有反射数据,如类和方法对象。利用使用类数据共享的虚拟机,此内存可分为只读和读写区域。

进程内存参数 描述
Eden空间 (堆内存) 最初为大多数对象分配内存的池
幸存空间 (堆内存) 在eden空间的垃圾收集之后池中幸存的对象
Tenured Generation (堆内存) 在幸存空间中存在了一段时间的池中包含的对象
代码缓存 (非堆内存) 用于编译和存储本机代码的内存。
活动线程 当前运行的活动线程数
守护线程 当前运行的后台程序线程数
可运行线程 在Java虚拟机中执行的线程
被阻塞线程 被阻止并等待监视器锁的线程
等待中的线程 无限期等待另一线程执行特定动作的线程
限时等待的线程 该线程等待其他线程执行动作,并且等待了指定的时间
开始的所有线程 Java虚拟机开启,已创建并开始的素有线程数。
Peak Threads Peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset
Deadlocked Number of threads that are in deadlock waiting to acquire object monitors
Classes loaded Number of classes loaded
Classes Unloaded Number of classes unloaded
GC time Time taken to perform garbage collection
Compile time Time spent in just-in-time (JIT) compilation
Max file descriptor Maximum permissible open file descriptor. Available only for UNIX.
Open file descriptor Current count of open file descriptors. Available only for UNIX.
Total Physical Memory Total amount of physical memory in Megabytes
Free Physical Memory The amount of free physical memory in Megabytes
Total Swap Space Total amount of swap space in Megabytes
Committed Virtual Memory The amount of virtual memory that is guaranteed to be available to the running process in Megabytes
Time Spent/Min Total number of collections that have occurred
Collections/Min Approximate collection elapsed time in milliseconds
Thread Count Number of threads used for Garbage Collector
Last Start Time Start time of this GC
Last End Time End time of this GC
Memory usage before GC Memory usage of all memory pools at the beginning of this GC
Memory usage after GC Memory usage of all memory pools at the end of this GC
Uptime The uptime of the Java virtual machine
Java Virtual Machine The Java virtual machine implementation name
Vendor The Java virtual machine implementation vendor
Process ID The process identifier is a number used by some operating system kernels to uniquely identify a process
Name The name representing the running Java virtual machine
VM arguments The input arguments passed to the Java virtual machine which does not include the arguments to the main method
Class path The Java class path that is used by the system class loader to search for class files
Library path The Java library path
Library path The boot class path that is used by the bootstrap class loader to search for class files
JIT compiler The name of the Just-in-time (JIT) compiler
Objects Pending for finalization The approximate number of objects for which finalization is pending
Operating System The name of the operating system
Architecture The operating system architecture
Processors The number of processors available to the Java virtual machine
You can also use Applications Manager to monitor JVM Performance and capacity planning.

Java Runtime监控支持JRE 1.5及以上版本。


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