» Admin  » General » Configuration  » Troubleshooting
 » How it works ?  » Evaluation  » Licensing  » Infrastructure

General Questions

  1. How do I install the product ?
  2. How do I connect to SupportCenter Plus PostgreSQL database ?

    In Windows

    Execute the following commands in the command prompt to connect to PostgreSQL.

    cmd > cd [SCP Home]\pgsql\bin
    [bin] > psql.exe -U postgres -p 65432 -h supportcenter

    In Linux :

    Execute the following commands in Terminal to connect to PostgreSQL.

    cd [Supportcenter-Home]\pgsql\bin
    # ./psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 65432 supportcenter
  3. How do I connect to SupportCenter Plus Mysql database ?

    In Windows

    Execute the following commands in the command prompt to connect to Mysql.

    cmd > cd [SCP Home]\mysql\bin
    [bin] > mysql.exe -u root -P 33356 supportcenter

    In Linux :

    Execute the following commands in Terminal to connect to Mysql.

    cd [Supportcenter-Home]/mysql/bin
    # mysql -u root -S ../tmp/mysql.sock supportcenter
  4. How do I upload files to SupportCenter upload server ?

    Follow the steps given below to upload files into SupportCenter upload server,

    1. Connect to http://bonitas.zohocorp.com/upload
    2. Select SupportCenter Plus from the Send to drop down list.
    3. Specify your email address in Your Email Address field.
    4. Enter the reasons for uploading the files in the Reason field.
    5. Finally, choose the file that you wish to upload and click Upload.


    For more than 100MB https://bonitas2.zohocorp.com/
  5. How do I apply a licence after its expiry ?

    Save the License file when you start the server (Start -> Programs -> ManageEngine SupportCenter -> Start SupportCenter Server), it will prompt you for a license file. You can browse and apply the license file that was sent to you.

    If the above case does not work then, follow the steps given below,

    • Save the license file in one of the directories of the server machine.
    • Go to the command prompt (Start -> Run -> command).
    • Start the server from the command prompt :
      • Move to the bin directory
        • cmd> cd <SupportCenter_Home>/bin
      • Run the script (run.bat)
        • cmd>run.bat
    • It will ask for the license file path
    • Enter the full directory path of the license file.
    • The server begins to start.
    • Shutdown the server
      • Open another command prompt
      • Go to the bin directory
      • Run the script
        • cmd> sh shutdown.sh -S
    • After this process you will be able to start the server using the normal mode (Start -> Programs -> ManageEngine SupportCenter Plus-> Start Server).
  6. How do I generate a support file or log files ?

    Every action performed with SupportCenter will be logged in a file. In case of any trouble, generate the Log file (Support Tab >> Support File) and mail us the Log files to