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Troubleshooting Questions

How do I troubleshoot when outgoing emails are not generated ?

Verify the following:

  1. Outgoing mail settings configured in Supportcenter Plus.
  2. Verify whether your email server is configured to relay email to the outside domain. If you are sending the mail to an outside domain then, verify the authentication details you have provided in Supportcenter Plus.
  3. Probably the port in which the email notification is sent is blocked by virus scanners. This can be checked with the command from the Supportcenter Plus server machine: telnet <mailservername> 25. Similarly, SMTP will be configured on port 25.
  4. If the telnet command does not succeed, then the port has been blocked. If the command succeeds but cannot send the mail from Supportcenter Plus then, the possible reason could be virus scanners blocking any request from java.exe application. Disable the block and verify the issue.
  5. Create an OUTLOOK account in the Supportcenter Plus server and enter the same mail server settings (only if you have an alias for the support email address that you have for SupportCenter Plus) then, check whether you are able to send mails using the account. If this fails then the port is blocked, if it is working then please generate the support file (Support tab > Support file) and send it to .