


ManageEngine OpManager:用于复杂IT基础架构的主动网络软件解决方案

OpManager - 一款全面的网络软件,通过允许您在一个地方监控、故障排除、可视化和保护您的网络,使网络和服务器监控的繁琐过程变得简单。网络软件在计算机网络中的功能使您,

  • 轻松解决网络问题:借助OpManager网络软件解决方案,故障排除所需的所有数据都集中在一个地方,这将帮助您快速、轻松地分析和做出决策。OpManager还允许您通过多级阈值和即时通知支持等主动措施来控制您的软件网络。
  • 减少管理开销:OpManager的网络管理软件是一个集成的网络性能软件,提供多个附加组件。选择所需的附加组件后,您只需更新和续订一个工具,这样可以节省您的时间。
  • 保护您的网络:企业网络上的Internet连接设备可在短短3分钟内被黑客入侵。这就是为什么将强大的防火墙和高效的防火墙监控工具作为网络软件的一部分,他们对保护您的网络起到非常重要的作用。OpManager的Firewall Analyzer插件可以分析防火墙规则的有效性,提供所有可能的网络攻击和安全漏洞的详细信息,监控用户活动,记录传入流量,并检测带宽消耗的突然激增。
  • 自动化任务:OpManager允许您自动执行发现、添加监视器、设置通知配置文件等活动,这些活动在手动完成时既耗时又低效。借助此网络软件的网络自动化工作流程,可以轻松维护健康的网络基础设施。使用OpManger的70多个内置工作流操作,可以完全自动化重复、耗时、劳动密集型任务。
  • 网络软件任务 - ManageEngine OpManager
    网络软件面板 - ManageEngine OpManager
    高级网络软件报告 - ManageEngine OpManager
  • 轻松管理配置:如果没有合适的网络软件,配置和网络变更可能每年都会导致数次网络中断或性能问题。使用OpManager的Network Configuration Manager插件,您可以通过监控配置变更来确保您的网络环境安全。使用此网络软件获得有关配置更改的人员、内容和时间的完整记录。您还可以执行批量配置,安排设备配置备份,跟踪用户活动,并通过接收即时通知来防止未经授权的更改。
  • 自定义仪表板:使用OpManager的可定制仪表板,您可以通过将路由器、交换机、防火墙、服务器、服务(物理和虚拟)、应用程序、URL、打印机和其他基础架构设备设置为小部件,从而根据它们的关键指标来评估网络的当前状态。使用此网络软件仪表板,您可以在登录后立即监控性能并识别网络错误。
  • 获得更大的可见性:使用OpManager以下列格式可视化您的网络
    • 利用业务视图:业务视图提供可以表现网络的图形,从而帮助您了解设备依赖性。使用业务视图,您可以确保整个网络中设备的可用性,并根据需要解决问题。
    • 使用Zoho地图和谷歌地图:当您放置2层拓扑图时,会提供了网络的地理视图。这些通过展示连接到网络的所有设备来提供网络的可视化表示。它们还帮助您根据地理分布在地图上识别网络设备中的关键设备。
    • 使用3D地板和机架视图:OpManager允许您创建服务器机房的三维副本。在这些视图中,检查可用性和其他关键指标要容易得多。
    网络业务视图 - ManageEngine OpManager
    Zoho Map - ManageEngine OpManager
    网络图层图 - ManageEngine OpManager
    网络三维视图 - ManageEngine OpManager
  • 生成高级报表:OpManager跟踪并记录所有网络性能监控指标,如运行状况和可用性。借助这些信息,OpManager充当网络分析工具,可以生成100多个内置报表。这些报表被直观地分组和分类。使用此网络软件的高级报表功能,您可以根据您的偏好创建自定义报表。您还可以安排将报表发送到您的电子邮件地址,以便您不费吃灰之力定期获得更新版本。
  • 以负担得起的成本轻松部署OpManager并根据需要进行扩展:此网络软件允许您在企业增长时进行扩展。您可以在不影响可靠性的情况下扩展到10,000台设备和5,000台接口。您不需要任何昂贵的咨询或培训来安装OpManager。除此之外,OpManager网络软件还提供了透明的基于设备的定价模型。


OpManager作为一款优秀的软件软件,拥有多个插件,您可以根据需求通过这些插件扩展工具的实用程序。这些插件可帮助您管理配置、带宽、防火墙、合规性、存储、应用程序、IP地址和交换机端口。通过与ITSM工具(ServiceDesk Plus、ServiceNow和Jira ServiceDesk)、通信工具(Slack)、webhooks(MS Teams、Telegram等)和基于REST AP的一键式集成,您可以主动管理故障。

网络软件 - ManageEngine OpManager

如果您正在寻找一个统一的软件套件来管理您的IT运营,OpManager Plus是您的不二之选。虽然您可以选择将OpManager与您需要的任何附加组件进行集成,但OpManager Plus在一个控制台中启用了您可能需要的所有组件,包括网络性能监控、带宽和流量监控、配置和合规性管理、防火墙管理、IP地址和交换机端口管理以及应用程序监控。











OpManager - 10 Steps Ahead Of The Competition, One Step Away From Being Unequalled.

- Network Services Manager, Government Organization

Review Role: Infrastructure and Operations Company Size: Gov't/PS/ED 5,000 - 50,000 Employees

"I have a long-standing relationship with ManageEngine. OpManager has always missed one or two features that would make it truly the best tool on the market, but over it is the most comprehensive and easy to use the product on the market."


Easy Implementation, Excellent Support & Lower Cost Tool

- Team Lead, IT Service Industry

Review Role: Infrastructure and Operations Company Size: 500M - 1B USD

"We have been using OpManager since 2011 and our overall experience has been excellent. The tool plays a vital role in providing the value to our organisation and to the customers we are supporting. The support is excellent and staff takes full responsibilities in resolving the issues. Innovation is never stopping and clearly visible with newer versions"


Easy Implementation With A Feature Rich Catalogue, Support Has Some Room For Improvement

- NOC Manager in IT Service Industry

Review Role: Program and Portfolio Management Company Size: 500M - 1B USD

"The vendor has been supporting during the implementation & POC phases providing trial licenses. Feature requests and feedback is usually acted upon swiftly. There was sufficient vendor support during the implementation phase. After deployment, the support is more than adequate, where the vendor could make some improvements."


Great Monitoring Tool

- CIO in Finance Industry

Review Role: CIO Company Size: 1B - 3BUSD

"Manage Engine provides a suite of tools that have made improvements to the availability of our internal applications. From monitoring, management and alerting, we have been able to peak performance within our data center."


Simple Implementation, Easy To Use. Very Intuitive.

- Principal Engineer in IT Services

Review Role: Enterprise Architecture and Technology Innovation Company Size: 250M - 500M USD

"Manage Engine support was helpful and responsive to all our queries"



Thorp Reed & Armstrong

Industry : Government

Randy S. Hollaway from Thorp Reed & Armstrong relies on OpManager for prompt alerts and reports.

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Hinduja Global Solutions saves $3 million a year using OpManager

Industry : IT

Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS) is an Indian business process management (BPM) organization headquartered in Bangalore and part of the Hinduja Group. HGS combines technology-powered automation, analytics, and digital services focusing on back office process.

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USA-Based Healthcare Organization Monitor's Network Devices Using OpManager and Network Configuration Manager

Industry : Healthcare

One of the largest radiology groups in the nation, with a team of more than 200 board-certified radiologists, provides more than 50 hospital and specialty clinic partners with on-site radiology coverage and interpretations.

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Netherlands-based real estate data company avoids system downtime using OpManager and Firewall Analyzer

Industry : Real Estate

Vabi is a Netherlands-based company that provides "real estate data in order, for everyone." Since 1972, the company has focused on making software that calculates the performance of buildings. It has since then widened its scope from making calculations.

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Global news and media company

Industry : Telecommunication and Media

Bonita uses OpManager to monitor their network infrastructure and clear bottlenecks.

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