Reverse proxy support: Log360 can now be configured as a reverse proxy server. Enhance security for your servers, as their identity is protected and all communication between them and their clients is routed through Log360.
User interface enhancements
The apps pane in the product has been enhanced to make it easier to access.
The option button to jump to related products has been enhanced for better visual appeal.
The components integrated with the product will now load automatically to reduce the UI loading time.
The Log360 logo will now be displayed across all the components inside the product.
Automated updates: This option allows you to automatically detect, download, and apply the product updates as soon as they are released.
与产品捆绑的 jQuery 版本已升级至 3.5.1。
域用户能够查看只有产品管理员才能使用特定 URL 访问的数据。这个问题已被解决。
构建 5220_Beta
2020 年 11 月 5 日发布
当在您的网络中检测到 MITRE ATT&CK 框架中定义的恶意技术时,获取实时告警通知。
单击此处访问 Log360 Build 5220_Beta(Beta 版)。
构建 5211
2020 年 10 月 20 日发布
产品捆绑的 PostgreSQL 版本已升级至 10.12
NTLM 单点登录身份验证协议已升级到 SMB2。
构建 5210
2020 年 8 月 31 日发布
安装解决方案已采用 InstallShield 18。用户现在可以从三种安装模式中进行选择:
标准安装 - 将安装所有 Log360 组件。
自定义安装 - 用户可以选择需要安装的组件。
最少安装 - 仅安装 Log360 版本。
构建 5209
2020 年 8 月 28 日发布
在访问 Log360 的某些组件时,导致 GUI 无法正确加载并显示拒绝连接页面的问题已得到修复。
构建 5206
2020 年 7 月 27 日发布
文件完整性监控控制台: Log360 现在有一个用于文件完整性监控的专用控制台。此集成控制台使您能够为 ADAudit Plus 和 EventLog Analyzer 支持的文件服务器集中配置文件完整性监控。
合规性管理:Log360 现在有一个专门的标签来管理合规性要求。它包含现成的报表,以证明符合 IT 要求,例如 PCI DSS 和 HIPAA。
构建 5120
2019 年 7 月 4 日发布
Block users: You can now set a threshold for login attempts. On reaching that threshold, the user will be blocked from trying to login for a specific period.
Smart card authentication: The use of smart cards/PKI/certificates has been enabled as additional options for Log360 login. If you have such an authentication system configured in your organization, Log360 can be configured to authenticate users through it, bypassing other first factor methods.
Two-factor authentication: Log360 now provides an extra layer of security for its users by supporting two-factor authentication during login. Supported authentication methods include: