OU Based Self Service Policy Configuration

Why OU based Self Service Policy Configuration?

Self Service privileges of ADSelfService Plus aim at reducing administrator workload and also improve employee efficiency. With options to Reset password, Unlock Account, Change Password and Personal Information Update, employees no longer have to depend on someone to get these tasks effected. However, not all users in a domain would need to be given similar self service permissions/restrictions. This is when the OU based Self Service Policy Configuration option comes handy.

How does it help AD Administrators?

Configuring policies for users' self service options might often be a puzzle for Active Directory administrators. Using the Policy Configuration options of ADSelfService Plus, administrators can now associate users in selective OUs with specific self service permissions. Individual OUs can now be associated with specific policy configurations within seconds. Using the Policy Configuration wizard, you can define Secret Question & Answer settings like the number of questions, the character length of answers, user defined questions,etc. Administrators can also grant permissions for users of specific OUs, to define their own secret questions.

How can I configure the Policy Settings using ADSelfService Plus?

OU based Policy Configuration for Self Service options can easily be done with ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus. The Policy Configuration Wizard of the software allows Active Directory administrators to associate users with selective permissions. Using the Policy Configuration wizard AD administrators can quickly configure:

AD User Policy Configuration Wizard

Reset Password

Self Reset Password

As an administrator, you can configure the Reset Password options for users in a domain. There are two ways by which the password can be reset. The Allow Self Reset Password option allows end-users to reset their password after answering the secret questions. The Automatic Reset Password option can be enabled to automatically reset the passwords of domain users as and when they get expired.
Learn More on Reset Password...

Unlock Account

Self Unlock Account

Likewise, you can configure the Account Lockout options for users in the domain. Same as the Reset Password feature, there are two options to unlock user accounts viz, grant the self unlock account option or set an automatic account unlock. With the automatic account unlock, the ADSelfService Plus application checks for Locked out accounts on a routine basis and if this option is enabled then automatically unlocks the locked out user accounts.
Learn More on Unlock Account...

Self Update

Self Unlock Account

Active Directory Administrators can enable the Self Update option to allow AD users to self update certain information. The Active Directory Attributes that a  user can modify or update can also be configured using this option.
Learn more on Active Directory Self Update...

Change Password

Sometimes it becomes essential to change passwords on a routine with an intention to enforce security. Users are generally notified via email to change their login passwords. Administrators can enable this option under Policy Configuration of ADSelfService Plus to grant Change Password facility to users in specific OU of Active Directory Domains.
Learn more on Change Password...

Some other benefits of ADSelfService Plus - Self Service Reset Password Management

Other features

Self Reset Password

Free Active Directory users from attending lengthy help desk calls by letting them self-service the password reset task. Password reset just a click away with ADSelfService Plus!

Self Directory Update

Portal that lets Active Directory users update their latest information without the help desk assistance. Self-update feature also ensures that Active Directory database is up-to-date with the user profile changes.

Password/Account Expiry Notification

Intimate Active Directory users of their impending password/account expiry by mailing them these password/account expiry notifications.

Active Directory Change Password

Hassle-free password change for Active Directory users with ADSelfService Plus. Without help desk assitance users can change their passwords from 'Change Password' console.

Automatic Password Reset/ Account Unlock

Free Active Directory users of 'remembering account/password expiry' issue with 'automatic password reset/account unlock' feature that automates password reset/account unlock task for users.


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