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Other features

Self Reset Password

Free Active Directory users from attending lengthy help desk calls by letting them self-service the password reset task. Password reset just a click away with ADSelfService Plus!

Self Unlock Account

Free Active Directory users from lengthy help desk calls with ADSelfService Plus's self-account unlock option. Unlocking an account with ADSelfService Plus is child's play!

Self Directory Update

Portal that lets Active Directory users update their latest information without the help desk assistance. Self-update feature also ensures that Active Directory database is up-to-date with the user profile changes.

Corporate Directory Search

A quick search facility that enables Active Directory users to scout for information about peers by using search keys like phone no., e-mail id, first/ last name of the personality being searched.

Winlogon (CTRL+ALT+DEL) Password Reset

Provide Active Directory user the comfort of resetting password at the press of CTRL+ALT+DEL keys with ADSelfService Plus! One of the three modalities for performing the password reset task.


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