ADSelfService Plus Customer Testimonials

"ADSelfService Plus has passed our first test for usability and synchronization in the IBM i environment. The next step is to roll it out and test it with actual users."
New Delhi Television Ltd.
-Joe Hertvik
"Simple to use software that users are able to understand without too much hand-holding or training.  Does what it is designed to do.  Does not have too many bells and whistles"
"Our users are very happy with ADSelfService Plus as they’re not dependent on IT for assistance with password reset and account lockout issues"
New Delhi Television Ltd.
-K Y Iyer, Head – IT, New Delhi Television Ltd.
"We have requested that all users enroll with AD Self Service; any user that calls for an account lockout is asked to register."
"Surprisingly we have found the "soon to expire" notification function and that has been a great help for remote users."
Tokyo Electron US Holdings, Inc.
- Brian Rosenvinge, Network Systems Administrator, Tokyo Electron US Holdings Inc.
"Cost/Time of support for tasks such as lockouts and password resets was ridiculous considering the ease of correcting."
"ADSelfService Plus has helped us become self sufficient as users and allowed us to place the responsibility back on user to be more careful."
HomeBanc N.A,
-Rob Buck, HomeBanc N.A, CIO.
"Around 10 percent of our HelpDesk calls related to password reset and account unlock requests. The number wasn't as important as the criticality of these issues; for if someone cannot sign in, they cannot work."
"ADSelfService Plus is a tool that we consider indispensable. It is the right tool for the job. Any company that relies on Active Directory authentication with password expiry will benefit from using it."
TXP Coporation.
-Chris Jackson, Systems Administrator, TXP Corporation.
"We needed to reduce the high count of service desk calls logged for password resets as well as a mechanism for updating personal details on a user's property."
"ADSelfService Plus is good turnkey solution. It forcing users to update AD. Other systems depend on this updates, such as VoIP systems, SharePoint. Also reduction in calls logged for password reset."
DataCentrix Services
-Sugan Moodley, Service Delivery Manager, Datacentrix Services.
"We have numerous callers per day requesting to have their passwords reset. ADSelfService helps us to reduce those calls by allowing our customers reset their own passwords."
"This deployment was extremely simple and cost-effective. Installation was completed within a matter of minutes. Configuration was simple. Your support team is always there every step of the way whenever we needed a hand. We feel that the time saved from having to have a technician reset passwords will be a good return on investment."
National Veterinary Associates
-Patrick Hong, Helpdesk Manager, National Veterinary Associates.
"We deal with a number of password resets and wanted to get out of the business."
"ADSelfService Plus is simple and cost-effective. It provided the features we wanted at the best price."
Manchester College
-Michael Case, Manchester College
Other features

Self Reset Password

Free Active Directory users from attending lengthy help desk calls by letting them self-service the password reset task. Password reset just a click away with ADSelfService Plus!

Self Unlock Account

Free Active Directory users from lengthy help desk calls with ADSelfService Plus's self-account unlock option. Unlocking an account with ADSelfService Plus is child's play!

Self Directory Update

Portal that lets Active Directory users update their latest information without the help desk assistance. Self-update feature also ensures that Active Directory database is up-to-date with the user profile changes.

Corporate Directory Search

A quick search facility that enables Active Directory users to scout for information about peers by using search keys like phone no., e-mail id, first/ last name of the personality being searched.

Winlogon (CTRL+ALT+DEL) Password Reset

Provide Active Directory user the comfort of resetting password at the press of CTRL+ALT+DEL keys with ADSelfService Plus! One of the three modalities for performing the password reset task.


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