'Password Self Service' by ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus assured Hampshire Collegiate School to handle their young wards with kid gloves

CUSTOMER: Hampshire Collegiate School

INDUSTRY: Education

LOCATION: United Kingdom

ABOUT CUSTOMER: Hampshire Collegiate School is an independent co-educational school for pupils between the ages of 3 and 18 in Romsey, Hampshire, United Kingdom. The sprawling 120 acre campus is home to 1000+ pupils & teachers. HCS offers excellent formative years for pupils with in-house activities & sports facilities, so the pupils advance their Creative, Social & Personal Development and along with 'Learning-Outside-The-Classroom' trips as part of the curriculum, it all adds to a rich holistic learning experience. HCS is a member of the United Church Schools Trust, a charity existing to provide high quality education for young people.

“We were dealing with high numbers of Unlock Account & Password Reset calls, taking up too much helpdesk time. We confidently chose ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus, for its simple deployment and efficient results, immediately resulting in bare minimum account request calls. We are also proud of our commendable software-support experience from ME ServiceDesk Plus, Enterprise Desktop Management Software.”

- Charles Crawford, Network Manager.

Business Needs

Password Self Service - 'Need of the Hour'. The helpdesks were overpowered with Account related calls from young wards; 'Being Who They Are', the pupils lethargically deal with their account and do not give a second thought to calling helpdesk. Hampshire Collegiate School's Administration needed to handle this situation with kid gloves.


ADSelfService Plus from the ManageEngine stable was their first & last choice. Having been pleasantly surprised with the suppleness of the use interface, that empowered every pupil & staff alike, to password self service. Soon after ADSelfService Plus was put into effect, Account type requests were down by over half, easing the burden of the helpdesk.


Other than benefiting from the prerequisite requests:

  • Self password management portal for domain users.
  • Manage Account Unlock.

Hampshire Collegiate School also gets to gain from:

  • Update Personal information on AD.
  • Reduce critical password tickets.
  • Notify users via email of their soon-to-expire passwords.
  • Minimize Helpdesk time and workload.
  • Identity Verification by Secret Questions (Password Policy).
  • Generate User list and account status reports.
  • Address Identity Management Password Challenges using Self Service.

About ADSelfService Plus


ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus is a secure, web-based password reset program for domain users to perform self-password reset, self-account unlock and self-update of personal details in Active Directory. It helps on a large scale to eliminate the leading source of helpdesk calls and associated expenses by automating password resets and account unlocks thereby optimizing employee productivity. Learn more about ADSelfService Plus from our website.

About ManageEngine


ManageEngine provides a suite of powerful Enterprise Management products, including network utilization, performance, security, helpdesk management, email archive management and real-time QoS management among others, aimed at making your business more effective and efficient. With a wide array of products that can be easily integrated, enterprise wide optimization is easily possible. Complementary products provide users with the ability to choose and incorporate features that they need a la' carte!


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