FAQs - Standalone Edition
  1. Does the trial version have any restrictions?
    The trial version is a fully functional version of Firewall Analyzer. When the trial period expires, you cannot restart the server
  2. Do I have to reinstall Firewall Analyzer when moving to the fully paid version?
    No, you do not have to reinstall or shut down the server. You just need to enter the new license file in the Upgrade License box.
  3. How many users can access the application simultaneously?
    This depends only on the capacity of the server on which Firewall Analyzer is installed. The Firewall Analyzer license does not limit the number of users accessing the application at any time.
  4. Firewall Analyzer runs in a web browser. Does that mean I can access it from anywhere?
    Yes. As long as the web browser can access the server on which Firewall Analyzer is running, you can work with Firewall Analyzer from any location.
  5. How is Firewall Analyzer licensed?
    Firewall Analyzer is licensed based on Number of Firewall devices being monitored. Learn more about Pricing and Purchase here In case, you want to monitor Firewall devices in high availability mode, then ensure that the Firewall device is associated to one source (i.e.,a single IP address/host name), where the source is considered as one device for licensing purporses.
  6. How do I buy Firewall Analyzer?
    You can buy Firewall Analyzer directly from the Manageengine Online Store, or from a reseller near your location.
  7. Is there a limit on the number of users or web sites that I can monitor?
    There is no license restriction on the number of users or web sites that you can monitor. However, you may face performance issues when using lower end machines to run Firewall Analyzer.
  8. I don't have a firewall, proxy server, or Radius server. Can I still use this product?
    You can still use Firewall Analyzer to simulate firewall logs and see how reports will look like when real-time data is used. Click the Simulate link in the Settings tab to begin sending sample log files to Firewall Analyzer.
  9. Does upgrading to a newer Firewall Analyzer version cost me?
    No. Upgrading to a newer EventLog Analyzer version doesn't cost you. However, you need to have Annual Subscription License
  10. Am I eligible for technical support during evaluation?
    Yes absolutely. Install a 30-day trial version and register yourself during installation to avail free technical support during evaluation. For technical support contact fwanalyzer-support@manageengine.com
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