HP UX Log Source - How to add
Add HP UX host as a new Linux Host as per the procedure given.
Ensure Syslog is configured in HP UX host. If not, configure as per the steps given below:
Configure Syslog service on a HP UX Host
Login as root user.
- Edit the syslog.conf file in the /etc directory as shown below.
*.emerg;*.alert;*.crit;*.err;*.warning;*.notice;*.info;*.debug <tab-separation>@<server_name>
where, <server_name> is the name of the machine where EventLog Analyzer server or Service is running. Just ensure that only a tab separation alone is there in between *.debug and @<server_name>.
Save the configuration and exit the editor.
Edit the services file in the /etc directory.
Change the syslog service port number to 514, which is one of the default listener ports of EventLog Analyzer. But if you choose a different port other than 514 then remember to enter that same port when adding the host in EventLog Analyzer.
- Start the syslog daemon running on the OS. You need to just execute the below command.
Usage : /sbin/init.d/syslogd {start|stop}
Command to be executed :
(for HP-UX) /sbin/init.d/syslogd start