发行说明 - 新功能 | ManageEngine Applications Manager
  • 15.3版的新增功能

      15310 修复的问题

      • 在Oracle Cloud Autonomous Database monitor中,“Tablespace”选项卡下的所有表空间度量的数据收集速度很慢。
      • 在凭据管理器中,更新凭据详细信息时,未在所有关联监视器中正确更新SSH私钥密码短语。
      • 在管理中 → 性能轮询 → 服务器,选项“跳过缓冲区和缓存从监控”是自动启用后,每次服务器重新启动,虽然它是禁用的Linux监视器(自15080 起破裂)
      • 在企业版中,从管理服务器创建、更新或删除的电子邮件操作未同步到托管服务器(v15270后损坏)
      • 从属性历史记录(7/30)报告页生成的PDF报告已损坏(自15200 起破裂)


      • 在网页分析器监视器中,为监视器启用代理时,添加监视器和收集数据时出现问题。
      • 在Tomcat monitor中,由于中的错误,监视器状态显示为down/manager/status一些Tomcat版本的页面。
      • 在Oracle DB monitor中,在“作业和备份”选项卡中的“备份作业详细信息”下显示了不正确的备份日期和备份期限数据。
      • 在ServiceDesk Plus(SDP)集成中,当“记录记录票据”操作的票证描述包含从SDP V3 API下拉列表中选择的自定义标记时,关闭票据时会出现问题。
      • 在SDP-CMDB集成中,将Ping监视器同步到SDP时出现问题。
      • 在Capacity Planning report中,当单击FreeBSD和Novell监视器的超大/过小/空闲下的值“是/否”时,出现异常。
  • 15.2版的新增功能
      • SAP Business One监控 - 通过跟踪关键业务参数的性能、不断检查各种事务和发生的错误/冲突,以及收集与集成平台中关键组件相关的信息,获得对SAP Business One环境的端到端可见性。
      • Sybase复制监视 - 监视Sybase复制服务器的性能和可用性,在出现问题时及时发现问题,并以无与伦比的可见性更快地解决问题。
  • 15.1 版的新增功能
      • Microsoft Teams 监控 - 通过检查其服务运行状况来跟踪 Microsoft Teams 应用程序的性能,获取有关组织中成员、渠道和团队的有用见解,并以无与伦比的可见性获取有关使用情况统计信息的完整信息。
  • 15.0 版的新增功能
      • AWS ECS 监控 - Applications Manager 的 AWS ECS 监控使您能够监控单个集群及其底层容器实例的性能,通过 EC2 和 Fargate 启动类型跟踪在这些实例中运行的容器的各种任务和服务,并帮助您优化它们以提供最大的结果。
      • 品牌声誉监控 - Applications Manager 的品牌声誉监控通过不断分析您网站的内容并执行频繁的黑名单检查以实时检测恶意内容,帮助您保持良好的品牌声誉。
  • 14.9 版的新增功能
      • Azure 服务总线监控 - 应用程序管理器的 Azure 服务总线监控可帮助您监控和可视化服务总线的性能、发现错误并自动执行纠正措施以优化整体效率并确保业务应用程序的平稳运行。
  • 14.8 版的新增功能
      • AWS Elastic Beanstalk 监控 - Applications Manager 的 AWS Elastic Beanstalk 监控使您能够监控各个环境及其底层 AWS 组件,并提供对在这些环境中运行的各种应用程序实例的性能的完整可见性。
      • Istio 监控 - Applications Manager提供了一个主动的 Istio 监控解决方案,可以从单个控制台全面了解 Istio 服务网格中运行的各种组件的性能及其相关的网格流量。
      • Webpage Analyzer - Applications Manager的网页分析器使您能够通过使用真实的 Web 浏览器跟踪各个组件的性能来监视和分析网页,并提供 PageSpeed 洞察力,帮助您优化它们以提供最大的结果。
  • What's New in Release 14.7
      New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • AWS Lambda Monitoring - Applications Manager's AWS Lambda monitoring enables you to monitor individual Lambda functions, keeps track of various invocations and concurrent executions, and helps you optimize its performance with unmatched visibility.
  • What's New in Release 14.6
      New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Oracle Multitenant Monitoring - Applications Manager's Oracle Multitenant Database monitoring helps you simplify monitoring of complex operations inside a multi-tenant system and aids you to optimize the performance of pluggable databases (PDBs).
      • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Monitoring - Applications Manager offers a proactive GKE monitoring solution that provides complete visibility into the performance of your Kubernetes environment on Google Cloud, and helps you keep check on nodes and pods available in the cluster.
      • Amazon SQS Monitoring - Applications Manager's AWS SQS monitoring enables you to track the performance of key metrics of your Amazon SQS queues and helps you optimize them to deliver maximum results.
  • What's New in Release 14.5
      New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Oracle Autonomous Database Monitoring - Applications Manager's support for Oracle Autonomous Database helps you monitor crtitcal autonomous database metrics and resolve performance issues quickly.
      • Oracle Cloud Storage Monitoring - Appplications Manager offers a proactive Oracle Cloud Storage monitoring solution that collects detailed insights about the performance of your Cloud Storage services and its associated objects.
      • Google Cloud Storage Monitoring - Applications Manager's Google Cloud Storage monitoring software enables you to track and monitor storage buckets in real time, troubleshoot faults easily, get intelligent alerts and analyze historical data that are aggregated over a period.
      • Google Cloud Filestore Monitoring - With Applications Manager's Google Cloud Filestore monitor, you can monitor various files, collect the metric data and analyze them, and optimize the performance of your file storage system.
      • .NET Core Monitoring - Applications Manager's APM Insight .NET Core monitoring helps you simplify the monitoring for your .NET Core applications, and helps you optimize its performance with unmatched visibility.
      • Slack Integration - Applications Manager offers an out-of-the-box Slack integration that pushes Applications Manager notifications to Slack channels in real time, helping teams provide faster response to service failures and problems.
      • Hazelcast Monitoring - Applications Manager's Hazelcast monitor enables you to track the performance of your Hazelcast grid and clusters, and helps you optimize them to deliver maximum results.
  • What's New in Release 14.4
      New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • SQL Anywhere Monitoring - Track SQL Anywhere database parameters closely with information like resource consumption, database space and file details, connection details, and session stats.
      • Google Cloud Platform-Compute Engine Monitoring - Applications Manager's support for Google Cloud Compute Engine helps regulate resource utilization at individual host level by tracking instance, firewall, and quota metrics.
      • Oracle VM Monitoring - Appplications Manager offers a proactive Oracle VM monitoring solution that collects detailed insights about the performance of your Oracle VM (OVM) servers and their associated virtual machines.
      • Cisco UCS Monitoring - Applications Manager offers monitoring for Cisco UCS environments, where you can monitor and track various KPIs of the applications and the system.
      • Node.js Monitoring - Applications Manager's Node.js performance monitor captures every transaction that occurs over all the tiers of your Node.js' architecture (background transactions, database and UI transactions) and displays in the APM Insight's Node.js monitoring dashboard.
      • PHP Monitoring - Monitor PHP performance and evaluate the end user's experience with your applications using APM Insight's PHP Application Performance Monitoring agent.
  • What's New in Release 14.3
      New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Nutanix Monitoring - Monitor and track metrics related to clusters, storage and VMs in your Nutanix deployments.
      • RHEV/RHV Monitoring - Perform precise hierarchical service topology mapping of all aspects of the KVM hypervisor and RHV guest VMs, control user experience and improve real-time performance of mission critical business services in the RHV cluster.
      • KVM Monitoring - Applications Manager offers proactive KVM hypervisor monitoring that collects detailed insights about the performance of your KVM servers and their associated virtual machines.
      • Neo4j Monitoring - Applications Manager's Neo4j monitoring tool provides valuable insights into key Neo4j metrics, notifies about areas that need attention, and enables you to optimize performance of Neo4j servers.
      • OCI monitoring - Applications Manager's oracle cloud monitoring solution provides fine-grain visibility into every component of your Oracle cloud environment thereby enabling you to optimize the performance of business critical oracle cloud services.
      • OpenShift monitoring - With Applications Manager's OpenShift monitoring capabilities, simplify application maintenance and ensure that OpenShift performance is up to par.
      • Nginx Plus monitoring - Applications Manager's NGINX Plus monitoring tool collects important metric data and interprets it in visual and tabular formats for easy understanding.
  • What's New in Release 14.2
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements

      Issues fixed in 14262

      • When a monitor group is created with special characters, the special characters looked garbled in the breadcrumbs when the monitor group is viewed after creation. (Broken since 13990).
      • Pod status and Container status in Kubernetes Monitor had limited values. This information was not sufficient while associating thresholds, and therefore users sometimes received false alarms.
      • Users were unable to create Trap listener if they associated it to more than one monitor group. (Broken since 14130).
      • There was an issue in the data collection of Replication status and seconds behind master attributes in Replication tab under MySQL monitor. 
      • There was an issue while adding Query monitor with special characters using AddMonitor Rest API.

      Security Issues

      • SQL Injection vulnerability: NewThresholdConfiguration.jsp allowed an user to execute malicious SQL statements through "resourceId" parameter.

      Issues fixed in 14290

      • In XenApp- 6.5, there was an issue while collecting data for "Servers in Zones and Published Applications."

      Issues fixed in 14280

      • When a monitor group is created with special characters, the special characters looked garbled in the breadcrumbs when the monitor group is viewed after creation. (Broken since 13990).
      • Pod status and Container status in Kubernetes Monitor had limited values. This information was not sufficient while associating thresholds, and therefore users sometimes received false alarms.
      • If the display name of any EUM monitor had 'double quotes' in it, improper health status was shown when trying to view the monitor from EUM tab.
      • Users were unable to create Trap listener if they associated it to more than one monitor group. (Broken since 14130).

      Issues fixed in 14270

      • In MSSQL Monitor, report generated in pdf format which was sent via mail could not be opened. (Broken since 14150).
      • After associating a user to a monitor/monitor group through custom fields, the user configuration details could not be edited. (Broken since 14180).
      • Users were unable to add Jboss cluster monitor with 'Enable Filter' option. (Broken since 14130).
      • Error occurred while updating user's profile picture if the profile picture's file name contained characters like "(" and ")". (Broken since 14180).
      • In Oracle DB monitor, alarms weren't being generated properly for attributes in Sessions tab, Query tab, Lock tab.
      • Users were unable to execute VM Actions for Xenserver and HyperV servers.
      • There was an issue in the data collection of Replication status and seconds behind master attributes in Replication tab under MySQL monitor. 
      • Changes made in the float type threshold from configure alarms page were not updated even after saving them.
      • Users were unable to add Trap listener and access it in IE 11. (Broken since 14130).
      • Actions created by admin user were listed under SQL Job Action for delegated admin user even though the option was disabled under User management. (Broken since 14210).

      Issues fixed in 14261

      • In MSSQL Monitor, report generated in pdf format which was sent via mail could not be opened. (Broken since 14150).
      • After associating a user to a monitor/monitor group through custom fields, the user configuration details could not be edited. (Broken since 14180).
      • Users were unable to add Jboss cluster monitor with 'Enable Filter' option. (Broken since 14130).
      • Error occurred while updating user's profile picture if the profile picture's file name contained characters like "(" and ")". (Broken since 14180).
      • In Oracle DB monitor, alarms weren't being generated properly for attributes in Sessions tab, Query tab, Lock tab.

      Issues fixed in 14260

      • Subsequent refresh of OAuth token stopped if the Applications Manager server lost network connectivity at the scheduled refresh time.

      Issues fixed in 14250

      • Applications Manager startup failed in Windows if Native ping was enabled in 64 bit servers.
      • Script monitor addition using AddMonitor Rest API failed if the Rest API parameters for script monitors contained special characters like " ' ` < >.
      • In the Enterprise Edition, if no threshold was present in the Admin server (under Admin -> Configure Alarms -> Threshold -> Associate pop up), the link to create new threshold was redirecting users to the home page. (Broken since 14230).
      • In the Threshold Details table (Under "View Threshold Profiles"), the link to view the "Used By" count was redirecting users to the home page. (Broken since 14230).

      Issues fixed in 14240

      • In Oracle Database monitor, at read timeout, false alerts were being raised saying tablespace down.
      • Timeout was not working in MySql, MsSQL & DB2 monitors.
      • In the Enterprise Edition, the Admin server with MSSQL backend would not start if the build was upgraded to versions above 14180.
      • Users were unable to add Oracle monitor if the monitor's username had spaces in it (Broken since 14130).
      • In Azure SQL Database monitoring, when a user’s setup had multiple SQL Servers in a Azure VM, all servers were not being discovered.

      Issues fixed in 14230

      • In Trap Listener, we’ve enhanced the field “Specific type” for SNMP v1 trap such that multiple comma-separated types can be provided.
      • In Rabbit Mq monitoring, added the attribute 'Consumers' for queues.
      • In Execute Program Action, Edit and Update was not working when the content given in the Program to Execute field exceeded 100 characters (broken since 14180).
      • In the User Management page, operations (like Create and Edit user) failed when the user was associated to more than 100 monitor groups (broken since 14180).
      • In the Spanish build, there was issue in collecting data when MSSQL server was set to the Modern_Spanish_CI_AI option.

      Issues fixed in 14220

      • In Rest API monitoring, the OAuth provider added from the new monitor page does not appear in the provider dropdown .
      • In URL & URL Sequence monitor, we’ve fixed the URL configuration error when the following characters are present in the URL:  "{", "}", "|", "\", "^", "[", "]", and "`".
      • In Web User Experience monitor, the "script" parameter size was restricted to 100 characters due to which the monitor was not being added.  We have now increased the value to 600 characters.
      • In Application Load Balancer monitoring, the Availability attribute for Target Details was earlier based on Target Status (for users on version 14160) . However, the Target Status is configurable.So we have now removed this default status check and therefore, also removed the "Availability" attribute.

      Issues fixed in 14210

      • Included CredSSP support in Active Directory monitor.
      • In SSL Certificate Monitor, data collection stopped after Applications Manager restart. (Broken since version 14170).
      • The EC2 instance count displayed in the Amazon parent monitor was wrong.
      • EC2 instances removed from the AWS console was being removed in Applications Manager even when the option to 'Remove terminated EC2 Instances' (in Admin setting) was disabled.

      Microsoft SQL monitor issue fixes:

      • DBCC CHECKDB and DBCC INDEX option added to collect data at every poll and option to collect data every hour changed to collect once in a day
      • The attributes Backup age, backup damaged, DB-DBCC CHECKDB age and INDEX age were not being displayed in Widgets.
      • When connectivity issues occur in SQL monitor, we've added the option to try connecting again after 10 secs, before showing the monitor availability as down.
      • The "Create Report" option in the Users tab leads to an empty page. (Broken since version 14060)
      • The existing credentials in Credential Manager did not have Force Encryption parameter. (Broken since version 13910)
      • In the Performance tab, the Export pdf option for "Top Components by Memory Usage" was empty.

      Issues fixed in 14200

      • The AddMonitor Rest API not working when invoked via POST method for Json response type. (Broken since 14150).
      • Under configuring dependencies, error attribute goes missing when removed from the dependant list for server monitors.
      • In JBoss monitoring, the max pool size data was not retrieved.
      • In ADDM (Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping), Windows 10 server monitors were being discovered as "Windows 7" by default.
      • In MS Sql Monitoring, option provided to configure alarms for Database Status and Log Cache Hit Ratio attributes.
      • In Real Browser monitor, clicking 'Show Password' in the Script Viewer window throws the error message "Illegal group reference" if the password contains '$' symbol.
      • For Tomcat SSL connection, test credentials shows "passed" even as the connection fails (returns error code 615).
  • What's New in Release 14.1
      New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
  • What's New in Release 14.0
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements

      Issues fixed in 14090

      • Added the option to edit the 'Playback Timeout' for Real Browser monitors from the Applications Manager UI (option previously supported only from the RBM recorder UI alone).
      • The “Delete Sub group” option for Monitor Groups in the "Show Monitor Group Details" page was not working since version 14000.
      • Using empty values for Request headers has been handled for Web Services / SOAP Monitors. (Earlier, data collection for Web Services monitor would not happen when users set empty values as Request headers when adding the monitor.)
      • Monitor Group Rules were not working when both Admin and Managed Servers had the same MSSQL Backend.
      • Added the option to provide Criteria evaluation pattern in "Monitor Group Rules".
      • Query timed-out errors thrown by Oracle database instances in Standby Mode was affecting the health of the monitor. This behavior has been handled.
      • In Query and Script Monitor, configuring alarms for a single row of tabular attributes was affecting the remaining rows too (since build 14030).

      Issues fixed in 14080

      • Added new attributes - Wait Count, Total Blocking Time, Total Creation time for JBoss versions 7 and above.
      • ADDM (Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping) was not working for Windows monitors since Applications Manager Version 14020.
      • GetDowntimeDetails Rest API returned an 'Invalid ResourceID' message for the child monitors since Applications Manager Version 13780
      • In MySQL Master-Slave replication, when the slave node is changed to master, the details of the old slave node were not being removed.
      • The Action Type page (Configure Alarms -> Monitor Group -> Action Type (Individual)) does not list all monitors belonging to a monitor group when they have the same RESOURCENAME even for different monitor types.
      • The format of the PDF and CSV attachments of MS SQL Performance reports, sent via mail, was incorrect.
      • In Rest API monitor, for FORM type POST payload, if the content is base64 encoded, the data was being incorrectly decoded and sent.
      • In the 'Availability and Health status for Multiple monitors' widget configuration page, when the 'From Monitor group' option is selected (under 'Show Monitors'), the subgroups listed contained '&nbsp;' characters instead of white spaces. This issue has been present since Applications Manager Version 14020.
      • Imported Active Directory users are properly authenticated only after the user has logged into Applications Manager with the Active Directory credentials at least once. However, when using the Authenticator API, users should be authenticated at first sign in. This was not happening. This issue has been present since Applications Manager Version 13900.
      • Bulk Manage/Unmanage/Unmanage and Reset of SQL Jobs was not working if a job name contained a comma (,) in it.
      • In the Opmanager Plugin, the Add-on products page was redirecting to an error page since build 14060.
      • In the latest service packs of SQL 2008, the Overview tab displayed empty values.
      • In SQL monitoring, the Job duration was being displayed incorrectly in the history.

      APM Insight .Net Agent issue fixes:

      • Database connections were not being cleared due to a weak reference issue.
      • We now show the complete URL for Web Transactions.

      Issues fixed in 14073

      Security Issues

      • CVE-2019-11448: We now prevent unauthenticated access and SQL injection/Remote Code Execution to Popup_SLA.jsp.
      • We also prevent SQL injection/Remote Code Execution to the SyncMonitorInAdminMG servlet.
      • CVE-2019-11469: We've handled unauthenticated access and SQL injection vulnerability in the "resourceid" parameter that runs on /jsp/FaultTemplateOptions.jsp.

      Issues fixed in 14072

      • Android push notification is done via Firebase Cloud Messaging instead of Google Cloud Messaging.
      • Capacity planning reports sent as scheduled reports could not be opened properly as the file extension was missing at report creation (since build 13840).

      Issues fixed in 14071

      • ADDM (Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping) was not working for Windows monitors since Applications Manager Version 14020.
      • The "Delete Sub group" option for Monitor Groups in the "Show Monitor Group Details" page was not working since version 14000.
      • GetDowntimeDetails Rest API returned an 'Invalid ResourceID' message for the child monitors since Applications Manager Version 13780.
      • In the Opmanager Plugin, the Add-on products page was redirecting to an error page since build 14060.
      • Users could not configure Monitor Group type alarm templates for tabular attributes when multiple Monitor Group templates existed for the same attribute.
      • Imported Active Directory users are properly authenticated only after the user has logged into Applications Manager with the Active Directory credentials at least once. However, when using the Authenticator API, users should be authenticated at first sign in. This was not happening. This issue has been present since Applications Manager Version 13900.
      • When data collection was not happening in certain WMI Monitors (due to absence of .Net Framework 3.5 support) users were not being informed of the error and its root cause. This has been handled.
      • In Query and Script Monitor, configuring alarms for a single row of tabular attributes was affecting the remaining rows too (since build 14030).

      Issues fixed in 14070

      • When adding a new monitor using custom monitor types, if the monitor contained tabular attributes, data in the second table was not being archived properly.
      • When adding a node in the WebSphere ND setup, if the node name contained a '_' character, the "_" acted as a delimiter resulting in a separate node being created.
      • Duplicate monitors were getting added for WebSphere version 8.x and below while using Network Deployment mode.
      • Delete requests were being sent as GET requests in REST API monitoring.

      Issues fixed in 14060

      • SAP Monitors stopped collecting data when an excess number of idle connections were present.
      • In Oracle database monitoring, reporting fuctionality for the attribute 'Backup Age' was not supported.
      • Network devices were not being added in Applications Manager in initial sync while deleting and re-integrating the OPM connector.
      • '-' (hyphen) character was not being displayed in the Monitor group widget.
      • URL Monitor could not be added by users with MySQL backend who upgraded to Applications Manager Versions 13700 to 13800.
      • In Active Directory Monitoring, data was not available for the attribute “Database File Size” since build 14040 (Applications Manager MYSQL Build).

      Issues fixed in 14050

      • There were issues in user previleges when using the Edit/Update Rest API functionality for Credential Manager since build 14010.
      • Downtime scheduler page was not loading when the number of monitor groups was high.
      • False alerts in VMWare ESX/ESXi monitor due to issues in data collection in StroageAdapter.
      • Data collection in Nginx monitor was not being initiated.
      • Forecast report was not being generated in the MySQL backend when the time period chosen was the last 15 or last 30 days.
      • In the Inventory reports, the Poll Interval column displayed wrong data.
      • Custom Fields were not synching with managed server since build 13730.

      Microsoft SQL Monitoring Issue fixes

      • The “Last execution time” for performance queries was being incorrectly displayed.
      • Data File Size, Log File Size and Log File Used Size attributes were displaying incorrect values in reports.
      • Thresholds applied for attributes under Configure alarms (MSSQL -> Database tab -> Any Database -> Data file -> Data file details -> Configure alarms) were not affecting the health of the database.
      • The attribute 'Pages (KB)' under Top Components by Memory Usage in the Performance tab was not being displayed in configure alarms page.
      • Blocked Session attribute wrongly named as Deadlock under Session Details drop-down. Alerts too were not working for Blocked Session Count Attribute.

      Issues fixed in 14040

      • Delete Template & Delete and Disassociate Template for Alarm Configuration were not working in Enterprise Edition since build 13800.
      • The option to "Overwrite existing threshold for Monitor Type/Group template" for Alarm Configuration was not working in Enterprise Edition since build 13800.
      • For Office 365, we've upgraded to TLS v 1.2 for requests sent via Powershell scripts.

      Security Issues

      • Handled SQL Injection vulnerability via the 'haid' parameter when running generateAttributeReport action.

      Issues fixed in 14030

      • Alarm tab options enhanced to give users the capability of selecting multiple severity filters.
      • Content check in URL monitoring was not happening if the response code is above 400.
      • Automated the process of configuring OpManager's keystore and truststore details in AppManager Plugin.
      • JDBC Max pool size was being incorrectly calculated for Jboss Monitor.
      • When a monitor was added as a Dependent Device, there were issues in it's working.
      • There were issues in the dependent Monitor Group functionality.

      Security Issues:

      • The credentials used to connect the modem to the database were exposed and are now encrypted .
      • User details, incuding API Keys, were being exposed to other users, as the url to fetch those details were unauthenticated.
      • Manager User was able to view and modify the Execute Program Action.
      • SQLi in the showExecProgAction method was going to a blank page instead of an  error page is fixed.

      Issues fixed in 14020

      • Passwords with Single quote and double quotes were failing in WMI-mode monitors.
      • In windows cluster monitor, alert message generated by disk tables were displaying the wrong disk name.
      • Websphere monitor goes down when Applications Manager is upgraded from a build before version 11040.
      • Process/Service still collected data and generated alerts after they were unmanaged. Broken since 13950.
      • In Oracle database, long running queries (like tablespace queries) caused data collection to stall. Hence, socket read timeout and query timeout handled for Oracle DB Monitor.

      Issues fixed in 14010

      • In ElasticSearchCluster monitoring, the issue in fetching the proper credential details after restarting Applications Manager is fixed.
      • Adding a REST API monitor returns error code 613. However, no error message was being shown in monitor details page and monitor health and availability was being shown as up. This has been handled.
      • The Azure virtual machine monitor was not being automatically removed from Applications Manager after it’s being deleted in the Azure portal itself.
      • When using the OpManager add-on, network devices from OpManager were being displayed incorrectly when listed from infrastructure snapshot page.

      Issues fixed in 14000

      • Updating Monitor Group owners using the "Edit Monitor Group" feature caused discrepancies in Custom Fields User/owner. This issue is fixed.
      • Support added for displaying Business hours for Windows, Linux / Unix, Microsoft .NET, DB2 and several other monitors in the Show Polled Data page.
      • Deleting the OpManager add-on was deleting all other Add-on products as well since build 13980. This issue is resolved.
      • Enterprise Edition Sync failed in some Windows machines since build 13990. This issue is fixed.
  • What's New in Release 13.9
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements

      Issues fixed in 13990

      • Provided the 'timeout' option in SharePoint Server monitor.
      • Windows monitor showed down when the Service Name contained special characters.
      • In the Enterprise Edition, the Ticket action for 'On-value change' was not working when it was created and associated from the Admin Server.
      • Windows MsSQL plugin for EE was not working when the installation directory name had spaces.
      • When the HyperV VM event was turned off, Applications Manager displayed it as "Data collection Successful".
      • The “Poll Now” Rest API was not working when invoked from the Admin Server.
      • The complete Downtime Scheduler information was not being collected when using the ListMaintenanceTaskDetails API multiple times when setting the Weekly schedule.
      • The List Threshold API was not listing information for the Polls to retry configured in the Threshold Profile.
      • When associating monitors to monitor groups using AssociateMonitortoMG Rest API, the Process/service template associated to the group was not being applied for monitors.
      • Provided Admin and Delegated admin the ability to update MSSQL Server configuration options. Provided Delegated Admin users permission to manage databases.
      • False alerting issue in self-monitoring.
      • The List Alarm API was returning a blank page for Alarm details in the Applications Manager Mobile App.
      • Users were unable to add a Weblogic version 12 monitor in Applications Manager since build 13950.
      • In the Enterprise Edition, Templates created in the admin server could not be associated with monitors created in the Managed Server, when direct MSsql sync was enabled.
      • Actions defined in alarm templates were not being executed for tabular attributes.
      • The Reflected XSS issue in reporting page has been fixed.

      Microsoft Azure Monitoring Issue fixes

      • For Azure VMs in Windows, data collection was not happening for configured metrics.
      • Azure SQL enhanced to handle the new format changes in the output JSON file.
      • Issues in adding a new Azure monitor using an Organizational account.

      Issues fixed in 13980

      • Added support for Solr Versions above 6.0.
      • SSO was not working since build 13920.
      • In RBM, the response times of pages using AJAX was being calculated incorrectly.
      • WUE monitor content wasn't being rendered properly.
      • In Widgets, if multiple monitors had the same attributes, only one was being displayed.
      • The following new replaceable tags are now supported for ticket action- $MONITORGROUP, $SEVERITYASNUMBER, $DATE, $OID, $URL, $GROUPHIERARCHY.
      • Business Hour calculation in availability percentage report was wrong.
      • The Attribute report pdf (for other languages) was not showing the display name.
      • Made the data retention period for APM Insight applications configurable from the Applications Manager console. A client can now retain insight history for upto 60 days.

      Security Vulnerability issues:

      • The issue of stored XSS in title of dashboard issue fixed.
      • The issue of stored XSS in ShowApplication Page for monitor group description is fixed.

      Issues fixed in 13970

      • Provided option to specify the address to which the monitor error mail is sent in the action/alarm settings page (by default, the admin/global email address is used as the ToAddress).
      • In OracleEBS monitor, data calculation error for "Request Denied in WebCache" under WebCache Performance Table is corrected.
      • In Real Browser Recorder, basic authentication credentials were being cached. This is removed now.
      • When creating a new Real Browser Monitor using the RBM recorder, users were unable to associate monitors to multiple monitor groups.
      • Negative values were being displayed in log file size metrics of Sybase monitor database details.
      • MySql Replication was not being detected in Applications Manager for MySql version 8.x.
      • Clicking the Save button under Performance polling for Servers was taking users to a blank page from build 13950.
      • In the Opmanager Plugin, data sync was not happening if SSL and both ports (http and https) in Opmanager were enabled.

      Issues fixed in 13960

      • The API to associate a monitor to Monitor Groups was generating a success message even if you use an invalid resource ID.
      • Performance metrics widget did not display all attributes in the line graph for SNMP custom attributes of archived data.

      Issues fixed in 13950

      • In RBM monitoring, intelligent playback wasn't happening at script failure. Instead, playback happens after the monitor goes down.
      • Weblogic jars files were being loaded to the classpath each time a monitor was created/polled.
      • We have provided timeout option for Office 365 child monitors - Exchange Online, Sharepoint Online & Skype for Business Online monitors.
      • For some users, the encryption key was not being sent to the RBM agent, when a connection timeout was provided, resulting in errors.
      • Issues in UpdateIP action for several monitor types.


      Issues fixed in 13940

      • In a virtual hosting setup with the server domain added as an SSL certificate monitor, Applications Manager would throw an error when trying to add another virtual host domain as an SSL certificate monitor, saying monitor already exists.
      • Wrong polling delay alert was displayed when more than 70 monitors were present with different polling intervals.
      • In server monitoring, the CPU usage report showed 'no data available' in MSSQL backend from build 13820 .
      • At Authentication failure, Tomcat monitors Health and Availability was being displayed as down.
      • In MySQL Linux builds, script monitors not being displayed with the host server monitor as "Monitors in this System".


      Issues fixed in 13930

      • In MSSQL database monitoring, the Last Run status attribute was not being listed in the Configure Alarms page for monitor type templates.
      • Users were unable to add monitors for MySQL version 5.7 and above.
      • In MSSQL monitor, predefined thresholds could not be created for attributes like Job Last Run Status, Job Current Execution Status, Subscription Expiration Status, and Replication Agent Status in Build 13910.
      • The script to re-initialize database was not working.

      URL Sequence monitoring issue fixes:

      • When using the Re-record option, users could not update the display name of the monitor.
      • When using the Re-record option, the URL Edit Monitor page was not retaining values.


      Issues fixed in 13920

      • The Bypass proxy list in the EUM agent wasn't being taken into consideration when connecting to Applications Manager.
      • Stray Firefox processes were not being cleared out when the EUM agent was installed as a Windows service.
      • Server monitors added in SSH mode, using key based authentication, via Credential Manager displayed issues with data collection.
      • Users were unable to generate the health reports for monitor groups after 90 days.
      • In the RBM monitor, performance metrics could not be set, if a URI had less than 20 characters.
      • When a script timeout error occurs in RBM, data collection was not being rescheduled (the monitor stops polling). The error message says 'Data collection Successful' instead of 'Script playback timed out'.


      Issues fixed in 13910

      Microsoft SQL monitoring issue fixes:

      • We have provided user-configurable "Force Protocol Encryption" option for individual monitors.
      • Job Details table has been enhanced with the “clear last run status alert” option.
      • Under the Configure Alarms link (under database details), Log Used Percentage was not being displayed.
      • In the Performance tab, “Filter by Database” was not working properly for certain performance queries.
      • In the MSSQL Backup/Restore tab, backup entries were being duplicated for PostgreSQL backend.
      • In the options displayed for Microsoft SQL under Performance polling (in the Admin tab), options selected were not being saved.
      • Session details were not being displayed correctly.
      • The entries in the Alerts and Events table were not being removed when disabling Job monitoring.
      • The Performance tab was not displaying data after 5 hours of data collection when the following option was enabled: Admin tab -> Performance Polling -> MS SQL -> Performance Queries -> "Collect data once in a day".
      • Log shipping data was not being displayed in PostgreSQL backend.
      • "sysperfinfo" table is not supported in newer versions of SQL (Versions 2016 / 2017). This caused “Monitor Down” alerts to be incorrectly generated and is now handled.

      Other issue fixes:

      • SLA option in “Schedule report” was broken from build 13820.

      Issues fixed in 13900

      • The Authenticator Rest API was returning no response when the Applications Manager hostname was incorrectly configured. This issue is fixed.
      • Under Schedule Reports, reports for Capacity planning were not working from Build 13860. This issue is resolved.
  • What's New in Release 13.8
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Amazon DynamoDB Monitoring - Auto discover your DynamoDB tables, gather data for performance metrics like latency, request throughput and throttling errors; optimize resource usage and improve application performance.
      • Microsoft Azure SQL Database Monitoring - Monitor Azure SQL databases performance metrics and query statistics.
  • What's New in Release 13.7
    • Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements

      Issues fixed in 13790

      • While updating/editing a Monitor group Display Name via REST API, special characters get replaced with &#39. This issue is fixed.
      • The GetDowntimeDetails Rest API now fetches the user the “number of Seconds of Downtime”.
      • The GetMonitorData API now supports multiple resourceids as input parameter.
      • In the Bookmark Widget, the Display names of bookmarks are displayed as 'null' if they include Chinese and Japanese characters. This issue is resolved.
      • We now display Customer Count Information for Queues in ActiveMQ monitoring.
      • As per the SAP HANA password policy, users are forced to change their password after specific period of time. This affected data collection. Users will now be alerted of this in the Health Message.

      Issues fixed in 13780

      • In Oracle Database Monitoring, Recent Backup and View Alert Log History Link was not working from Admin Server. This issue is fixed.
      • All attributes were not being displayed in the Tabular data widget in the Dashboard. This behavior has been corrected.
      • Users could not access the Schedule Reports URL using the localhost when multiple DNS addresses were configured for the Applications Manager machine. This issue is resolved.
      • In the Custom Field filter, the ‘Include SubGroups’ option not working for the Operator role in the Monitor Groups Widget. This issue is fixed.
      • In the Credentials Manager, the issue in updating 'Public Key Authentication' Enabled/Disabled in SSH Credential is resolved.
      • When a Monitor group's availability status changed from Critical to Unknown, the calculation of Availability Percentage was not taking place properly. This issue is fixed.

      Issues fixed in 13770

      • SNMP (v1 and v2) trap actions were not working due to community string encoding error in Applications Manager Version 13740. This issue is fixed.
      • For JBoss 6 EAP, the message "Server is running, but suspended" was being displayed even when the server was in running state. This issue is resolved.
      • The SNMP Trap Listener v3 was not receiving traps due to an error while fetching trap details. This issue has been fixed.  
      • The Attribute search feature in the Reports tab has been modified to handle case insensitivity and to distinguish between monitor types for similar attributes.
      • Discovering vCenter from the Admin server led to error page. This behavior has been corrected.

      Issues fixed in 13760

      • When a ticket was closed in SDP, a new ticket was not being generated, in spite of Advanced settings set to open a new ticket. This issue is fixed.
      • Repeated alerts were being generated on a Virtual Machine’s availability based on its powered state.
      • In Jboss (versions 4 & older) and Weblogic (all versions), auto deployment of the agent failed due to the resource URL not being accessible. This issue affected builds 13700 and later and is now fixed.

      Issues fixed in 13750

      • Scheduled Task thresholds were not being applied when the current server time was lesser than the task’s next run time. We have provided the option to enable this.
      • The data collection issue in Microsoft SQL Log shipping when using a PGSQL backend is fixed.
      • In Custom Monitors, the File Size was being displayed in an incorrect format. This issue is resolved.
      • In File/Directory monitoring, issues in Content-check were detected when the last modified date of the file contained no year info. This behavior has been corrected.
      • Users were unable to view the user-image in the Alarms tab when acknowledging an Alert in the Admin server. This issue is fixed.
      • The port was not being updated from Edit Monitor page for DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Informix, MySQL & Sybase databases. This issue is fixed.
      • In Oracle database monitoring, the Reads/Writes attributes were showing no value for temporary tablespaces. This issue is fixed.
      • When using the List Monitor API with type Virtual, not all the monitors of type Virtual were being listed. This issue is fixed.


      Issues fixed in 13740

      • We have fixed the issue of authentication failure in Mail Server monitors after upgrading to mail-1.4.6.jar. This issue affected builds 13600 to 13730 
      • Currently, only the servers under the host controllers are identified and added for JBoss cluster set up. Servers deployed under the domain controller were not being identified and added. This issue is fixed and now the servers under domain controller are also detected.
      • The issue in collecting AWS S3 buckets data due to removal of the CRIMSON.jar file is fixed. This issue affected builds 13680 to 13730.

      Security Vulnerability issues:

      • Post-authentication SQL injection vulnerability in the HostResourceAction class when the "resourceid" parameter is used in SQL queries without sanitization. This vulnerability is fixed.
      • Arbitrary File Deletion and Reading of File using the CustomFieldsFeedServlet.  This vulnerability is fixed.
      • CVE-2018-11808: Incorrect Access Control in CustomFieldsFeedServlet.


      Issues fixed in 13730

      • The option to select SAP MaxDB database was missing when adding a Database Query Monitor. This option has been added.
      • HTML characters were appearing in the Business view due to a broken tooltip message. This issue is fixed.
      • The Oracle Alert logs were not being cleared even when there was not data collected. This issue is resolved.
      • Users were unable to add an LDAP monitor from the Admin server. This issue is fixed.
      • Users got an error whenever they tried to acknowledge or clear alarms from the mobile app. This issue is fixed.

      Security Vulnerability issues:

      • We have fixed Unauthenticated SQL Injection vulnerabilities in the AMUserResourcesSyncServlet.

      Issues fixed in 13720

      • In ServiceDesk Plus Integration, the CI resource name duplication issue is fixed.
      • Editing and updating SLAs (Admin tab -> Manage SLA) lead to an exception page along with the SLA not being updated. This issue is resolved.
      • The replication data collection issue in MySQL Version  5.7 is fixed.

      Issues fixed in 13710

      • In Web User Experience Monitoring, when users click on the Cancel or Reset button in the new monitor page, the monitor created in Site24x7 was not being deleted. This issue is resolved.
      • The Admin page displays ??? characters in the Chinese and Japanese builds. This issue affects builds 13690 and 13700 and is fixed in 13710.
      • Health status was not getting cleared in Oracle tabular attributes. This issue is fixed.

      ServiceDesk Plus Integration Issues:

      • Tickets were getting reopened even after the user had set a custom period as reopen threshold. This issue is fixed.
      • The issue of new tickets being created in ServiceDesk Plus when the alarm goes from Warning to Critical is resolved.

      Security Vulnerability issues:

      • We have fixed Unauthenticated File Upload and Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities in Mib File Upload.

      Issues fixed in 13700

      • In SDP MSP, the item fields were not being fetched properly while loading the Log a ticket form with the proper Account, Site, Category and Subcategory selected. This issue is fixed.
      • The issue in consolidated mail action to check the business hours selection is fixed.
      • Notes were not being added when the option "Add notes for the ticket whenever an annotation is added is made for the alarms" was enabled for Service Now. This behavior is corrected.
      • The execute program action was returning exit code 1 when double-quotes (“”) were used in $RCAMSG_PLAINTEXT of script arguments. This issue is fixed.
      • Enabling reports for Tomcat's web application attributes from the UI navigates to Apache Geronimo monitor. This issue is resolved.
      • Action execution with replaceable tags $HOSTNAME failed for certain windows cluster resource type attributes. This issue is fixed.
      • Bulk threshold configuration is now supported for 'Replication Agent Status' attribute.
  • What's New in Release 13.6
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
  • What's New in Release 13.5
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Website Content Monitoring - Monitor your websites for defacement, modification and malicious insertions and be notified promptly during a hack detection. Manage six basic HTML elements - Text, Script, Image, Anchor, Iframe and Link.

      • Office 365 Monitoring - Get operational intelligence into Office 365 applications, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Skype for Business. Perform comprehensive performance monitoring for Office 365, minimize downtime and performance degradation as well as take corrective actions before any problems arise.
  • What's New in Release 13.4
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Apache Geronimo Monitoring - Track the performance of your Geronimo application server by monitoring key metrics such as classloading, heap and non-heap memory usage, buffer pool etc. Keep an eye on the datasources, EJB pools and bytes sent/ received per minute to diagnose and troubleshoot issues instantly.
      • IBM DB2 for I Monitoring - Tune your IBM DB2 database server, ensure the availability and performance of your production databases, and gathering operating system level data to understand performance issues. Monitor Jobs status and health and optimize your DB2 server's resources by minimizing network traffic, disk I/O and CPU time.
      • ManageEngine ADManager Plus Monitoring - Get critical information (like CPU and memory usage, thread count and PGSQL / MSSQL database details) essential to track the performance of ADManager Plus.

  • What's New in Release 13.3
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • HAProxy Monitoring - Ensure proper HAProxy performance and operation by monitoring its key metrics pertaining to Listener, Frontend, Backend and Server.

      • Microsoft Dynamics AX Monitoring - Collect information pertaining to the performance of each component of the system architecture, i.e.: Application Object Server (AOS), the SQL Database Server, and their Server Stats.

  • What's New in Release 13.2
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Apache Spark Monitoring : Get real-time operational visibility into Spark applications,key metrics of Apache Spark clusters (master and worker nodes) and cores

      • Azure Storage Monitoring : Monitor the health and performance of your Azure Storage account for better managing and utilizing Azure hosted storage resources.

      • Site24x7 Integration enhanced to support Authtoken based integration.

  • What's New in Release 13.1
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Apache ActiveMQ Monitoring : Collect ActiveMQ metrics, correlate your queue and broker performance with your infrastructure, maintain configurations for high availability and scalability, and be alerted automatically of potential issues.

      • ManageEngine OpManager Plus Monitoring : Monitor critical information (like CPU and memory usage, thread count and PGSQL database details) essential to track the performance of OpManager.

      • Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Monitoring : Discover Virtual machines under an Azure subscription and monitor their the health status and other performance counters.

  • What's New in Release 13.0
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Apache ZooKeeper Monitoring : Manage your Zookeeper clusters and Znodes, collect all the performance stats be alerted automatically of potential issues pertaining to resource consumption.

      • Elasticsearch Monitoring : Monitor your Elasticsearch cluster and node health, track Search and Indexing and query latency performance. Get insight into cluster runtime metrics, individual cluster nodes, real-time threads and configurations.

      • ServiceDesk Plus Monitoring : Get critical information (like CPU and memory usage, thread count, mail fetch and database details) essential to track the performance of ServiceDesk Plus.

      • Web User Experience Monitoring (Beta) : Monitor real-time and trending data about your web application's performance and the level of satisfaction that your end users experience.

      • Enhanced MSSQL Monitoring : Track the connection stats, SQL session details, SQL session lock details, blocked lock details and more.

      • Support for SSL Enabled Postgres Database Monitoring.

      • The option to select the Managed Servers for which the Admin server is allowed to trigger e-mail actions.

      • Support for Windows 2016 monitoring.

  • What's New in Release 12.9
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Apache Kafka Monitoring: Collect Kafka Resource utilization metrics, monitor Broker, Controller and Replication stats, and be alerted automatically of potential issues pertaining to the Network and Broker Topics.

      • REST API Monitoring: Monitor the availability and response time of your REST API endpoints. Get insight into the response time of mobile and web applications that use your API.

      • Microsoft SQL Monitoring enhanced to include Backup, Restore and SQL Replication metrics.

      • SAP HANA Monitoring enhanced to monitor disk volume, Volume IO, Backup Configuration and Latest Backup metrics.

      • Oracle Database Monitoring enhanced to monitor complete Backup details, User Expiry details, Fast Recovery Area Space usage details and Invalid Object Count. .

  • What's New in Release 12.8
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Apache HBase Monitoring: Monitor the health and performance of Apache HBase with key performance indicators (KPIs) related to HBase Master, Region servers, JVM metrics, memory usage thread details, and exceptions.

      • SAP HANA monitoring: Ensure smooth operation of your SAP HANA systems. Track key metrics CPU, memory and disk usage, HANA services, schema details, replication and backup, workload, transactions, jobs, caches, and alerts.

      • Monitor Oracle NoSQL: Get deep visibility into the performance of Oracle NoSQL. Monitor important performance counters including memory usage, thread details, admin details, replicated nodes, and storage details.

      • Monitor Apache Solr Search Server: Monitor all Solr key metrics and stats related to cores such as query handler, cache, update handler, replications, JVM usage, CPU/memory usage, and thread details.

  • What's New in Release 12.7
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Support for monitoring Oracle Coherence clusters : Get deep performance insights into Oracle Coherence cluster implementations. Track KPIs such as clusters, partition assignment, distributed and replicated services, Extend Connections, Extend Services, and distributed and replicated node memory details.

      • OpenStack monitoring : Understand what is happening inside your OpenStack environment. Get details about the health and state of instances, view information about images within your OpenStack deployment, track core OpenStack services such as Nova, Keystone, glance, etc.

  • What's New in Release 12.6
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Microsoft Azure Service Bus Monitoring : Track the flow of messages between the various applications connected on the Azure Service Bus, both on-premise and cloud. Key components tracked include queues, relays, event hubs, topics, and subscriptions.

      • ServiceNow Integration : If you are using ServiceNow to track incidents, you can automatically convert alarms from Applications Manager to incidents in ServiceNow. These incidents can then be tracked in ServiceNow till their resolution.

  • What's New in Release 12.5
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • CouchBase Monitoring : Monitor all attributes of your CouchBase server and keep track of Server Node and Data Bucket stats with Applications Manager.

      • Hadoop Monitoring : Monitor Hadoop version 1.x as well as version 2.x and maintain the overall health of your distributed Hadoop cluster, ensure their availability and process tasks faster and accurately.

      • Docker Monitoring : Applications Manager helps to actively monitor all aspects of Docker like health, availability, running stats etc., and take informed decisions in case of downtimes.

  • What's New in Release 12.4
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      • Application Discovery and Dependency Mapping - Discover all applications in your IT infrastructure and map them effortlessly to gain a comprehensive insight into the relationships and dependencies of your IT components.

      • Easy Upgrade Support for Professional Edition - Upgrades to latest versions just a click away. New and improved upgrade techniques to make your experience faster and better. Be notified about upgrades regularly and switch to newer versions accordingly.
  • What's New in Release 12.3
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Microsoft Dynamics CRM Monitoring - Track the performance of WMI Performance counters, Services, Transactions and Eventlogs for CRM Applications. Delve deeper into the performance of CRM's Authentication, Outlook Sync, e-mail Router, Discovery, Locator, Platform Services, Sandbox counters and Async Services.
      • Jetty Server Monitoring - Monitor Java applications running on your Jetty HTTP server and Servlet container, track critical performance indicators of the Jetty Applications server like CPU usage, real-time memory utilization, garbage collection information and be notified of thread pool exhaustion.
      • Microsoft Lync Server Monitoring - Measure the performance of your Lync Server, collect metrics pertaining to it's server roles and performance counters in one central location, detect issues, send alerts and thus prevent possible service outages or configuration problems.
      • Citrix XenApp Monitoring - enhanced to support monitoring of XenApp Version 6.5, performance of critical XenApp Services, Web Interface servers, IMA & ICA datastores, XenApp Zones, sessions and applications.
      • Web Services Monitoring enhanced to support SOAP Response processing using XSL Transformation, dynamic nonce value generation for security and operation execution using the response of another operation as input.
      • Hardware Monitoring enhanced to monitor performance pertaining to Temperature, Power, Voltage, Battery, Memory, Disk, Array, Chassis and Processor data of DELL PowerEdge and HP Proliant servers.
  • What's New in Release 12.2
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Citrix XenApp Monitoring - Track the performance of Broker Services, client and server sessions, diagnose issues like server overload using event logs and slowness in an application running on a Citrix XenApp server.
      • Microsoft BizTalk Monitoring - Monitor core components and performance counters like messaging engine, orchestration engine, throttling and adapter performance, ensuring the overall health of BizTalk Environment.
      • Oracle Tuxedo Monitoring - Monitor system and application data from key Tuxedo components like the bulletin board, queue and communication bridge details, transaction info, ATMI operations and service details.
      • IBM Informix Database Monitoring - Collect system and database performance stats of your Informix Database, session details and identify problems at an early stage for proactive troubleshooting and performance tuning.
      • Real Browser Monitor enhanced to include Mozilla Firefox browser support. Users can now import Selenium IDE test cases and add them as RBM monitors to automate the testing process.
      • SAP Monitor enhanced to monitor metrics pertaining to Remote Function Calls like Scheduler and Data details.
      • Support for Windows 10 monitoring.
  • What's New in Release 12.1
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Ceph Storage Monitoring - Measure the performance of your distributed Ceph storage, status of OSD nodes, Placement Groups and storage availability.
      • Resin Application Server Monitoring - Increase reliability of your Resin Application Server with monitoring of all key performance indicators like thread details, connection pool usage, session details and memory resources.
      • Enhanced HTTP URL Monitoring to provide split up Response Time details like DNS Time, Connection Time, First Byte Time and Last Byte Time.
      • SAP Router string support added for SAP Server and SAP CCMS monitor.
      • Applications Manager now provides monitoring support for WildFly Application Server.
      • ManageEngine OpManager Network Monitoring Connector has been enhanced to handle network interfaces.
      • Storage Devices category added for listing devices from OpStor SAN Monitoring Connector .
  • What's New in Release 12.0
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Oracle EBS Monitoring enhanced to include monitoring of Oracle E-Business Suite 12.0 and 12.2.0 metrics like performance and process details, OPMN components, webcache, applications and cluster stats.
      • Exchange Server Monitoring enhanced to support monitoring of Mailbox & Database Statistics and Database Availability Groups.
      • Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server Monitoring enhancements to monitor Sharepoint versions 2007, 2010 and 2013 with added capabilities for Sharepoint server farms and Sharepoint services.
      • ServiceDesk Plus integration now lets you maintain a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) that allows you to plot out your IT infrastructure from Applications Manager and track malfunctioning CIs.
      • New delegated administration role introduced to assign limited administrative privileges to users in your organization who aren't administrators.
      • Support for Single Sign-On mechanism to help users gain access to all their Managed Servers with a single user authentication.
      • Agent auto-upgrade capabilities added for APM Insight .Net version 2.0 and Java Version 1.9 to automatically download the new agent zip/msi file for upgrade if a new agent version available. JVM monitoring is also supported in APM Insight for Java.
      • Event Logs Rules Configuration, Threshold Creation and User Administration enhanced for the Enterprise Edition - Create Event logs, Thresholds, Add Domains and give permissions to Domain - all from the Admin Server.
      • Performance Metric Widget enhanced to support multiple monitors.
      • Support added for SAP JCO version 3.0.
      • Administrative activities can now be performed from the Admin Server in the Enterprise Edition.
      • OPM Connector enhanced to provide a minimalitic UI that lists the Device Summary, Health, Availability and Recent Alarms and a quick snapshot of availability and health for network devices.
  • What's New in Release 11.9
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • VMware Horizon View Monitoring to manage all VMware Horizon View components, the status of services used and the underlying infrastructure as well.
      • SAP Server Monitoring enhanced to support monitoring of3�4background jobs.
      • APM Insight .Net monitoring now features a new diagnostics tool to check the health of the agent running in the server. It also collects logs and creates a zip file, for better troubleshooting and support.
  • What's New in Release 11.8
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Windows Server Cluster Monitoring - Measure the performance of all your Windows Server Cluster components - nodes in a cluster, cluster networks, resource groups and critical cluster events.
      • Siebel Server Monitor enhanced to support monitoring of active Siebel sessions and tasks.
      • Cassandra Monitor enhanced to support monitoring of Operational Latency and Timeouts, Bloom Filters and Memtable Stats.
      • Support for monitoring Exchange server 2013.
  • What's New in Release 11.7
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • WebSphere MQ monitoring enhanced to monitor several new performance, queue, channel and event log attributes.
      • Monitoring support for WebSphere MQ Message Broker execution groups, message flow accounting and resource statistics.
      • APM Insight monitoring now includes tracking of background transactions.
      • Support for NTLM Version 2 in URL Monitoring.
  • What's New in Release 11.6
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Applications Manager now has a slick new interface that's easier to use and performs faster than ever.
      • Siebel Server Monitoring and Management with capabilities to improve productivity and gain visibility into your entire Siebel environment.
      • Oracle Database Monitoring has been extended with proactive monitoring of an Oracle Data Guard environment, RPO statistics and more database details.
      • Tomcat monitoring has been enhanced to support monitoring of memory, thread, JSP level requests, JDBC, servlets and more.
      • Redesigned UI for the alarms tab with smoother filtering, easier bulk alarm actions and alarm search capability.
  • What's New in Release 11.5
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Applications Manager Android App - Our native application for android devices provides comprehensive application monitoring on the go.
      • Citrix XenServer infrastructure monitoring moved from Beta to GA.
      • IBM AS400 / iSeries monitoring enhanced to support pre-defined system library queues - Data Queue, Job Queue and Out Queue monitoring.
      • New REST APIs introduced, for configuring mail, proxy and SMS servers, applying license and listing user roles.
      • WebSphere Server monitoring extended to support JMS queues & topics monitoring, JDBC connection pool and web application session details.
  • What's New in Release 11.4
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      • Support for monitoring Oracle Database version 12c
      • Oracle Database monitoring extended to monitor ASM Disk Groups, Jobs, PGA & corrupted blocks.
      • User Administration module is enhanced to reuse the User Groups defined in Active Directory\LDAP.
  • What's New in Release 11.3
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • VM-to-storage maps displaying relationships between VMware vSphere Servers and underlying physical data stores to identify problems at storage andapplication levels.
      • Monitoring of a additional VMware KPIs including resource pools.
      • Enhanced event log monitoring to help you set log rules for specific monitor types.
  • What's New in Release 11.2
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • JBoss Monitoring is extended to support JBoss 7.0
      • Credential Manager is introduced to help you create/edit the various credentials like password/ snmp community, port, etc., for all type of monitors globally.
      • Support for monitoring the performance and health of the Nginx server.
  • What's New in Release 11.1
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Support for Redis Monitoring with capabilities to monitor connections, keyspace statistics, persistence statistics and more.
      • Support for monitoring the performance and health of your Nginx server .
      • IIS Monitoring is enhanced to include IIS Application Pool monitoring.
      • All the report types in Applications Manager now supports PDF and CSV format.
      • Global Alarm Configuration option is enhanced, to associate thresholds and actions with the attributes of a Monitor Type also.
  • What's New in Release 11.0
    • New Features
      Issues Fixed
      Minor Enhancements
      • Support for Cassandra Database Monitoring with capabilities to monitor pending tasks,node status in cluster, operation latency and more.
      • Support for MongoDB Monitoring with capabilities to monitor connections, lock statistics, journaling statistics and more.
      • The default database bundled with the product is PostgreSQL from Build 11000. However, our existing customers can continue using MySQL or migrate to Microsoft SQL Server.
      • JBoss Monitoring is extended to support JBoss 6.0.
      • Support for Windows 8 and Windows 2012 monitoring.
      • Apache Tomcat bundled with the product is upgraded to version 7.0.21.
      • JRE bundled with the product is upgraded to version 1.6.
      • Microsoft Hyper-V monitoring is extended to support Hyper-V 2012 servers.


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