ADManager Plus Service Pack Installation

We strongly recommend you to take backups before migrating. This helps you prevent accidental loss of data.
For Build Number How do I find my build number? Upgrade Path to the Latest Version 6281
6200 through 6280
  1. Upgrade to 6.2 SP 8.1
6100 through 6181
  1. Upgrade to 6.2
  2. Upgrade to 6.2 SP 8.1
6000 through 6013
  1. Upgrade to 6.1
  2. Upgrade to 6.2
  3. Upgrade to 6.2 SP 8.1
5200 through 5242
  1. Upgrade to 6.0
  2. Upgrade to 6.1
  3. Upgrade to 6.2
  4. Upgrade to 6.2 SP 8.1
  1. Upgrade to 5.2
  2. Upgrade to 6.0
  3. Upgrade to 6.1
  4. Upgrade to 6.2
  5. Upgrade to 6.2 SP 8.1
5000 through 5100
  1. Upgrade to 5.1
  2. Upgrade to 5.2
  3. Upgrade to 6.0
  4. Upgrade to 6.1
  5. Upgrade to 6.2
  6. Upgrade to 6.2 SP 8.1
Builds older than 5000 (4001 through 4412) Please contact our support team or fill this form for our support team's assistance in upgrading to the latest version 6280.

Service Pack Installation Steps:

Follow steps 1 through 8 to apply the service pack.
  1. Shut down ADManager Plus
    1. If the product runs as an application, click on Start --› All Programs --› ADManager Plus --› Stop ADManager Plus.
    2. If the product runs as a windows service, click on Start --› Run --› type "services.msc" --› Stop "ManageEngine ADManager Plus".
  2. Execute the stopDB.bat file under <ADManagerPlusHome>\bin directory.
  3. Back up ADManager Plus by zipping the contents of <ADManagerPlusHome> directory.
  4. If you use MS SQL as the Database Server for ADManager Plus, backup the database as well.
  5. Open Command Prompt and execute the UpdateManager.bat file under <ADManagerPlusHome>\bin directory.
    For Windows 7 / Vista / 2008 / 2008 R2 machines with User Account Control enabled, Select 'Run as Administrator' while opening Command Prompt
  6. Click Browse and select the .ppm file that you have downloaded.
  7. Click on Install for the service pack. Depending on the amount of data to be migrated, the installation procedure may take a few minutes. Please do not terminate prematurely.
  8. Click Close and then Exit to quit Update Manager tool.
  9. Start ADManager Plus.
Note: If you need to apply more than one service pack, follow the same instructions for each installation.
How do I find out my Build number?
Log in to the ADManager Plus web client, and click the License link in the top pane. You will find the build number mentioned below the version number. This is the build number of the currently installed ADManager Plus.
Need Help?
You can contact ADManager Plus Support at any time for assistance in upgrading ADManager Plus to the latest version.

他们正在使用ADManager Plus简化Windows AD域管理