How to deploy a patch to upgrade Mac devices to the latest macOS Mojave?


Apple has finally released macOS 10.14, named Mojave after one of California's three deserts. If your organisation is itching to upgrade Mojave update to multiple Mac devices, the Upload Patch feature  lets you perform the deployment efficiently.

System Requirements

You can upgrade your Mac operating system to Mojave 10.14, only if the following system requirements are met:

  1. Computer should be running on Mac 10.8 or later versions.
  2. A minimum of 18.5 GB free space is required on the hard disk.
  3. A minimum of 2 GB RAM memory is required.
  4. Mac Pro (mid 2010 and mid 2012 models) must first be updated to macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 before updating to macOS Mojave.
  5. You can refer this link for more details : MacOS 10.14 Mojave System Requirements.


  • Open App Store in one of the managed Mac devices.
  • Click on the macOS Mojave icon and choose to download.
  • Find the installation file 'Install macOS Mojave' in Applications folder by navigating to the file path /Applications/
  • Compress the installation file using the following command
    "tar -zcvf installMojave.tar.gz Install\ macOS\"

Note: The User should not execute the above command in some other directory. Go to the Applications folder(as mentioned in the file path) and execute that exact command in that folder to compress the installation file.

In order to deploy the macOS Mojave patch to Mac devices missing the latest version, it is required to upload the installation file to our patch store using the following steps:

(Note: This option is only available for the build 10.0.282 and above).

  1. Navigate to Patches > Downloaded patches > upload patches.
  2. Here you will find a list of patches that have to be downloaded manually. Apply the filter "Missing patches in the network" and find the 'Upgrade to macOS Mojave' option under 'Patch Description'.
  3. Select Upload option. 
  4. Navigate to the location of the downloaded patch file in and upload it.
  5. Now, the patch will be successfully uploaded to the patch store, and will be available for deployment.

Using our Install Patch configuration, you can deploy the Mojave update to all the Mac devices in your network.

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