Does your company accept credit/debit
card payments from customers?


If you are a merchant/organization accepting credit/debit card payment from customers (online or offline), then it is MANDATORY for you to be in compliance with PCI Security Council standards.

There are 12 major requirements for PCI DSS compliance, however the size of your business and volume of transactions made determines the specific compliance requirements that must be met by you.

What if you don't comply to PCI DSS?


Failing to comply with PCI DSS requirements can get you into serious trouble.

  • »You will have to pay a monthly fine of $5,000 to $ 500,00 for not being PCI complaint
  • »Your customers' will lose the trust in you
  • »Your business reputation gets damaged

A single solution for PCI Compliance - Myth


Unfortunately , there is no single magical solution to take care of all 12 requirements for PCI compliance. This is because each and every organisation has its own unique needs depending on its environment. As a result, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for fulfilling all the PCI compliance requirements.

Don't panic, ManageEngine offers lots of tools to simplify and achieve PCI compliance depending upon your business need.

How does NCM help with PCI Compliance?

ManageEngine Network Configuration Manager helps you to achieve PCI Compliance by addressing some of the critical PCI DSS requirements with ease.

  • PCI Requirement Number : 1.2.2
    Examine router configurations to verify they are synchronized

    NCM detects the difference in Startup & Running Configurations and lists down the devices with out-of-sync configurations. You can review the difference between the router configurations regularly and sync them together to stay ahead of security threats

  • PCI Requirement Number -1
    Description of groups, roles, and responsibilities for management of network components

    NCM offers reports on User groups and roles of personnel responsible for management of network components. This ensures protection against unauthorized network configuration changes and ensures compliance with PCI

  • PCI Requirement Number : 1.1.6
    Identify insecure services, protocols, and ports allowed

    Network Configuration Manager provides a clear picture of all insecure services, protocols and ports present in your network environment. You can immediately find and remove these insecure services & protocols from your network before they affect the business

  • PCI Requirement Number : 1.1.7
    All configurations should be reviewed at least once in every six months

    NCM helps you to review all the firewall configuration & policies at least every six months. You can assign reviewers to document and review all the configurations on an ongoing basis.

  • PCI Requirement Number : 1.1.1a
    Track and approve all changes to firewall and router configurations

    The Change Management in NCM helps you to review and approve all the configuration changes made to the firewalls and routers. This prevents security problems caused by misconfiguration of the network, router, or firewall.

  • requirement-number-122
  • requirement-number-115
  • requirement-number-116
  • requirement-number-117
  • requirement-number-111a
  • PCI Requirement Number : 2.1.1
    Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters

    NCM tracks down all the network services that uses vendor-supplied default passwords. This helps you to change the default passwords to strong unique passwords & safegurad the network from cyber threats.

  • requirement-number-211
  • PCI Requirement Number : 6.1
    Identifying Security Vulnerabilities & Patching

    Security audit reports in NCM help you to track down all the security vulnerabilities. The report also includes the description of the issue, its impact, how easy it would be to exploit and recommendations to resolve. In addition, NCM helps you to roll out patches to address the security violations ( Router Patching)

  • requirement-number-61





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