How to edit CLI configuration commands while adding a new device template?

While adding a new device template, under CLI configurations tab you will have to provide the commands needed for various configuration operations.Keep the following points in mind while editing CLI configuration commands:

  • Default protocol is SSH/Telnet and the default operation is Backup Running Configuration.
  • Since the default protocol is SSH/Telnet, other protocols should be added based on the user requirement. You can add other protocols by clicking the plus icon next to "SSH/Telnet" protocol. To delete a protocol, click on "X" symbol next to the protocol.(Currently supporting SSH/Telnet , SSH/Telnet - TFTP, SSH-SCP.)
  • If SSH/Telnet protocols are given, upload options will not be displayed as these protocols don't support file upload.
  • Next to operation command, you will see an "edit icon " which can be used to edit the name of the operation, after editing click on "save" to save the edits.
  • To know the operations which have not been added yet, click on "Add Configuration" icon. A list of operation commands which have not been added yet, will be displayed. You can add any configuration command from the list.
  • When all the operations are already selected, an info message notifying that all the operations are selected gets displayed.
  • While editing commands, command field cannot be left empty and a value must be provided, whereas other fields are already set with a default value.

  • Sl.No Label Default values















    first command is set as true

  • BackupResponse field is available only for SSH/Telnet Protocol for Backup Operation. The response of the command whose backup response is true is read and downloaded from the device. (For the command from which you want a back up to be taken, enable the radio button for BackupResponse.)

  • If you need to insert more commands into the operation, you can do so by clicking on the "plus (+)" icon near the command. To delete a particular command, you can do so by clicking the "cross icon X" next to the plus icon.

  • Click the "Delete icon" near the operation name to delete the corresponding configuration operation.


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