How to backup and restore data, when devices are being upgraded?


The rate at which technology is advancing, organizations need to upgrade the user's devices frequently. The devices in use can either be supervised or unsupervised. If the devices are to be supervised, Apple recommend setting up the device as new without restoring data from other devices. Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP provides a work around for supervising the devices to be upgraded without any data loss.


  • Upgraded device- new device
  • The old device to be backed up- old device
  • Apple Configurator/ Apple DEP


Using DEP for supervision

  1. Back up the old device using iTunes or iCloud.
  2. Add the new device to DEP using the steps mentioned here and activate the device to enroll it.
  3. Restore the backup of the old device data into the new device.
  4. All the app data is restored in the enrolled device and the MDM profile is installed with the new DEP profile.
  5. The enrolled device will be awaiting user assignment and profile distribution.

NOTE: Do not skip Restore from Backup and Sign into iCloud options during device activation.

Using Apple Configurator

  1. Back up the old device using iTunes.
  2. Connect the new device to Apple Configurator and restore the back up of the old device by selecting Restore from backup.
  3. Upon device activation, prepare the device using Apple Configurator, this will ensure the device is not reset.
  4. All the app data is restored in the enrolled device and the MDM profile is installed with the new Apple Configurator profile.
  5. The enrolled device will be awaiting user assignment and profile distribution.


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