How to reset MDM MSP server on-premises password?


There are certain cases such as forgotten password etc., where the MDM login password needs to be reset. You can reset the login credentials for MDM server as explained below.


If authentication type is Local authentication

Reset passcode for technician, using Admin credentials
  • Login to MDM server, using your admin credentials.
  • Click on Admin tab from the top menu and select Global Settings, present under User Administration.
  • Click on the ellipsis icon under Actions, present against the user, whose password is to be reset and select Change Password, from the dropdown.
  • Provide the new password and click on Change to save the new password.
Reset passcode using commands
  • On the machine running MDM server, open Services.msc, select ManageEngine Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP and stop the service.
  • Once stopped, navigate to <Install_Dir>\MDMMSPServer\bin and open command prompt.
  • If your MDM server build number is less than 92234,
    • Execute the command Executequery.bat resetPWD.xml to reset the password to default credentials(admin/admin).
  • If your MDM server build number is 92234 or higher,
    • Execute the command resetPassword.bat.
    • From the options listed, choose the operation, choose option 2 to reset password. Specify the username and the new password.
  • Start Mobile Device Manager Plus MSP service from Services.msc.

NOTE: After resetting the password, the login authentication automatically becomes local authentication. You can modify the authentication and/or password by navigating to Admin -> User Administration(present under Global Settings), on the MDM server.

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