Self-Service AD Update

'End User self update' a solution to keep end-user info in Active Directory up-to-date and accurate; to make the end-user enter his alternate phone numbers (personal & emergency contact information); to standardize end-user profiles in Active Directory!

Here is Web Based Self-Service AD Update! An integral component of ADSelfService Plus (the 3-in-1 password self-service tool), this feature empowers end users to self update their user contact update in Active Directory and personal info update without any assistance from IT helpdesk.

Self service Active Directory Update offers a "Drag-n-Drop" customizable web interface, which puts more control in the hands of IT administrators/help desk, allowing them to standardize the format of end-user directory profiles. In other words, users update their Active Directory information just the way you want them to!

self update layout customization

Features & Benefits of Self Service AD Update:

  • Drag n Drop Customizable: Drag-n-drop GUI elements and build an interface (within a few minutes) through which users can update their info!
  • Greater Control: Choose from a wide range of form elements and construct an interface through which you can absolutely control, manage & regulate user input.
  • Accuracy and Uniformity: Ability to construct pre-populated textboxes, or default-value loaded dropdowns, or radio buttons renders user input accurate and uniform.
  • Mandate User Input: Freedom from incomplete user profile! Mandate any field that you feel should never go unfilled.
  • Subliminal & Effective Hints: Offer hints on how to fill in data right in the textboxes (perhaps the most effective way to get a user input data as you desire) or offer hint anchors.
  • Dynamic Value Update: The tray from which user can choose his manager updates itself automatically to reflect the latest "Managers" in Active Directory.
  • Instant Custom Attributes: When default AD supplied attributes are not sufficient, create attributes that suit your needs: For instance, Employee ID or Frequent Flyer!
  • Corporate Directory Search: Get the contact information of your colleagues within a few seconds!
  • Enable Photo Update option for end users: Administrator can allow end users to update their profile photos at will.

Know in-detail about the Active Directory Self Update...

Now, employees update their personal information just the way you want it! And also, you will be happy that your MCSE or technical expertise is not wasted on clerical activities such as updating user contact update in Active Directory!

Other features

Self Reset Password

Free Active Directory users from attending lengthy help desk calls by letting them self-service the password reset task. Password reset just a click away with ADSelfService Plus!

Self Unlock Account

Free Active Directory users from lengthy help desk calls with ADSelfService Plus's self-account unlock option. Unlocking an account with ADSelfService Plus is child's play!

Password/Account Expiry Notification

Intimate Active Directory users of their impending password/account expiry by mailing them these password/account expiry notifications.

Password Policy Enforcer

Ensure strong user passwords that resist various hacking threats with ADSelfService Plus by enforcing Active Directory users to adhere to compliant passwords via displaying password complexity requirements.

Automatic Password Reset/ Account Unlock

Free Active Directory users of 'remembering account/password expiry' issue with 'automatic password reset/account unlock' feature that automates password reset/account unlock task for users.

