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Supports up to 60 Devices Supports up to 60 Devices Supports up to 1200 Devices
Multi-vendor security devices support All features of Professional Edition + All features of Premium Edition +
Off-the-shelf monitoring for virtual firewalls, Firewall security audit reports Scalable architecture
proxy servers, & VPN devices Configuration change management Monitors multi-geographical locations
Real-time security & bandwidth alerts Firewall rules management Distributed central-collector architecture
Security & bandwidth reports Firewall connection diagnosis Site specific reports
Employee internet activity reports Advanced alert management Web-client Rebranding
Web-application usage reports AD & RADIUS user authentication Client & user specific views
*The quoted prices are for Annual Subscription License

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What Our Customer Says

"We selected Firewall Analyzer because it was easier to setup than all other products we evaluated, it had the best management and graphical user interface, and provided us detailed firewall reports to meet FINRA, SEC, and SOX IT audit requirements."

Bob Fuller,Director of Information Technologies, Navellier & Associates Inc.