Solaris Unix Log Source - How to add

Add IBM AIX host as a new Linux Host as per the procedure given.

Ensure Syslog is configured in the IBM AIX host. If not, configure as per the steps given below:

Configure Syslog service on a Solaris Unix Host

  1. Login as root user.

  2. Edit the syslog.conf file in the /etc directory as shown below.

*.emerg;*.alert;*.crit;*.err;*.warning;*.notice;*.info;*.debug <tab-separation>@<server_name>

Add Windows Hosts

For Solaris host, it is just enough to include *.debug<tab-separation>@<server_name> in the syslog.conf file.

where, <server_name> is the name of the machine where EventLog Analyzer server or Service is running. Just ensure that only a tab separation alone is there in between *.debug and @<server_name>.

  1. Save the configuration and exit the editor.

  2. Edit the services file in the /etc directory.

  3. Change the syslog service port number to 514, which is one of the default listener ports of EventLog Analyzer. But if you choose a different port other than 514 then remember to enter that same port when adding the host in EventLog Analyzer.

  4. Start the syslog daemon running on the OS. You need to just execute the below command.
    Usage : /sbin/init.d/syslogd {start|stop}

Command to be executed :

(for Solaris) /etc/init.d/syslog start
(for Solaris 10) svcadm -v restart svc:/system/system-log:default
