Cisco Devices (Switches & Routers) - How to add

Add Cisco devices as a new Linux Host as per the procedure given.

Ensure Syslog is configured in the Cisco device. If not, configure as per the steps given below:

Configure Syslog on Cisco Devices (Switches & Routers)

  1. Login to the switch.

  2. Go to the config mode.

  3. Do the below configuration to configure the switch (here, we have used Catalyst 2900) to send the logs to the EventLog Analyzer server:

    <Catalyst2900># config terminal
    <Catalyst2900>(config)# logging <EventLog Analyzer IP>

    For the latest catalyst switches

    Catalyst6500(config)# set logging <EventLog Analyzer IP>

    We can also configure other options like logging facility , trap notifications, etc. .. as

    Catalyst6500(config)# logging facility local7
    Catalyst6500(config)# logging trap notifications


Add Windows Hosts

Please refer Cisco® documentation for detailed steps on configuring syslog in the respective routers or switches. Contact if the syslog format of your cisco devices are different from the standard syslog format supported by EventLog Analyzer.
