AWS EC2 Log Source - How to add

Configure AWS EC2 Instance Logs

The procedure to configure the feature is given below:

Requisites for AWS Windows instance log monitoring

  1. Download the EventLog Analyzer jar file (EventLogAnalyzerJSP.jar) in the EventLog Analyzer server machine from the given URL:

  2. Stop the EventLog Analyzer service and replace this file available under <EventLog Analyzer Home>/lib folder

  3. Restart EventLog Analyzer service

  4. Ensure that your EC2 Windows instance can be accessed from EventLog Analyzer server

Procedure to install

  • Install the agent with EventLog Analyzer server details

Welcome ELA AWS Agent installation

  • Welcome screen with copyright protection message appears

Confirm ELA AWS Agent installation

  • Asks for confirmation for agent installation

Enter ELA server details

  • Enter the server details viz., Server Name or Server IP Adress, Server Database (chooses from PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL), Server Protocol (choose HTTP or HTTPS), AWS Instance (choose Yes if agent installation is on AWS, No if it is not), Server Port (mention the HTTP/HTTPS server port, default port will be 8400)

ELA AWS Agent installation complete


ELA AWS Agent installed as service

  • EventLog Analyzer agent is installed as a service in AWS Windows instance.

ELA AWS Agent running as service

  • Check whether the service is running

ELA AWS Agent listed as host


EC2 server name is resolved from the IP address provided


ELA AWS Agent displayed in Settings page


You can check the AWS instance is displayed in both 'Hosts' sub tab and Agent Administration settings page.


ELA AWS Agent displays logs


After five minutes you can view the reports rolling out for AWS instance.


Add Windows Hosts


  • Install one agent on each AWS Windows server instance
  • You should not associate other AWS server instances with AWS agent