Script Template

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(Monitor 3 Devices)
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S.No Template Name Description
1 MSSQL Command output Getting an integer value from a local or remote MSSQL db Query server using sqlcmd utility.
2 SNMP v2 Credential check This script will periodically check the SNMP response and alert the user if credential is failing or SNMP agent isn't responding.
3 Process Count Monitoring This Powershell script uses WMI to get the processes on a Windows device and gives you a total count. You can configure OpManager to alert you when the number of processes exceeds a certain count.
4 Windows Volume Mount Point This VBS Script lets you monitor Windows Volumes Mount Point utilization
5 SSL Certification Expiry Monitor This is a VBScript to get the number of days remaining for a website's SSL Certificate to expire.
6 Certificate Expiry Monitor A PowerShell script to check the expiry date of the certificates in a Windows monitoring machine.
7 Windows Security Logs Usage Monitor VBS script to get the security logs' usage percentage of a Windows device.
8 Date and Time in Italian Format VBScript to show the date and time in Italian Format.
9 Windows Disk Utilisation Monitor Shows the usage of Disk in percentage for each drive.
10 PoolNonpagedMemory - VBscript VBScript to monitor the PoolNonpagedMemory in MB.
11 Linux FileAvailability Monitor Shell script to check whether a file is present in monitored Linux machines.
12 FileCheckSum Monitor Shell Script to check if any changes have been done in a file.
13 Windows SysupTime Monitor To get the system up-time value in hours using WMI and to store the value in hours.
14 File count Monitoring in Linux Folder Monitoring the file count in a folder using Script Monitor.
15 Windows FileAge Monitoring It returns the file age (created time - current time) in days, months, hours, etc. of all local and remote files under a directory and its subfolders using VBScript.