Steps to install Device Control Plus Agent via DesktopCentral

Following are the steps to be followed to install DCP agent via Desktop Central:


  1. Open DeviceControlPlus WebConsole
  2. Download DCP agent from Agent -> Computers -> Download Agent.
  3. download-remote-office-new

  4. Extract the downloaded zip.
  5. download-remote-office-new

  6. Open DesktopCentral Webconsole.
  7. Goto Software Deployment tab and click Package -> Add Package and click Windows.
  8. download-remote-office-new

  9. Create package as follows:
    • Set Package Name.
    • Set Package Type as MSI / MSP.
    • Set Locate installable as "From Local Computer"
    • Add Files by clicking "Add Files" button. Choose files "DeviceControlPlusAgent.msi", "SMPAgentServerInfo.json" from Device Control downloaded agent.
  10. download-remote-office-new

  11. Add MSI name in "Installation" tab and click "Add Package".
  12. download-remote-office-new

  13. Newly created package will be listed in the Package Table upon successful creation.
  14. download-remote-office-new

  15. Go to Configurations tab. Create Install/Uninstall Software - computer configuration.
  16. download-remote-office-new

  17. Add Software Package in Package Settings.
  18. download-remote-office-new

  19. Select the machines to install the DCP agent under "Define Target" section.
  20. Deploy the package by clicking either "Deploy" or "Deploy Immediately".
  21. download-remote-office-new

  22. Execution Status can be viewed under Configuration Summary page.